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Luke's POV

Stella's eyes widen in horror at the thought if me giving her a punishment.

"N-no please not now. Not while im like this." she pleaded.

I shook my head.

"No I rather do it right now because you're to weak to fight back. And you got me really horny earlier."

"No" she pouted.

"Stella your my girl and I will use you for my pleasure and convenience."

I went to reach for her but she slapped my hand away.

"Stella if I want it I wont wait. If I want it I wont ask. I don't take no for an answer. You're MY girl now. And you will learn to give me what I want or I will take it from you."

I grabbed her hips and pulled her to me. She began to thrash around to get me off her.

"Don't try to fight against my punishments. It wont help you."

I knew she was gonna tire her self out fast. The affects of the drug were in their prime. She was in a full high but refused to give up. About five minutes later she was completely exhausted. She was breathing hard trying to regain her breath. I spread her legs and put my hand on her pussy.

"This right here is mines."

She gasps at the action. I know for a fact she loved it but she wasn't gonna let me know that. I pulled her underwear off. They were already wet, one of many effects of ecstasy. My finger ever so lightly brushed over her clit and the reaction was beautiful. Stella arched her back and moans so loudly.

"P-please Luke I can't do this. Its to much."

I pushed my two fingers inside of her with no problem and curled them so I could find her g spot. Stella's eyes rolled to the back of her head.

"Give in baby. Give in to the feeling of being owned."

"Oh fuck this feels soooo....... Oh fuck you Luke."

Stella is a tough cookie. I like that about her. Its extremely sexy when you can make a independent strong female be submissive for you.

"Why are you so hardheaded? Why can't you be good for me?"

"FUCK YOU LUKE! Why the fuck would I be good for you when I shouldn't even be getting punished. This is all your fucking fault to began with!" she yelled at me then collapsed back to the bed running out of energy.

I took my fingers out of her and turned her over and spanked her on the ass. Her body was jerking away with each hit.

"How's it my fault? Explain."

I turned her over and lifted her dress over her head. She wasn't wearing a bra and I wasn't gonna complain. I started pinching, twisting and pulling at her nipples. Her head was rolled around and broken crys filled the room.

"Ah... Its your fault. The girls.... TOLDDD MEEEEEEE.... That the guys marked them..... And I just..... AHHHHHHHH I just wanted to see them."

I stopped my movements and took in what she said. Stella wasn't checking Cal out she was looking for his tattoo of Amber's name. She was the only one a without mark. She'll get one. I'll give her one that she loves.

"Lay down and relax love. I want to please you."

I leaned over her, staring into her eyes. My hand reached for her neck and rubbed circles in it. I wouldn't squeeze it.

"Do you want it?"

Stella nodded her head and closed her eyes. Her breathing was slow and steady.

I ran my fingers down her neck to her chest. In between her cleavage. Feeling her soft skin. I bent down and wrap my lips around the skin on her neck, sucking softly. My hand went lower, down over her wet pussy, rubbing softly, feeling her clit underneath. Stella hummed a sweet sound and I continued. My mouth moved down to her chest and my free hand lowered to massage her breast. I suck, lick, and bite her nipples tenderly. Quite moans spilled out her mouth.

I held her nipple in between my teeth, wanting to bite harder.

But i don't.

I pull my pants and boxers down and had my hard cock brush up against her wetness. I could tell that she was waiting for me to just thrust into her. Waiting for me to strike. For my grip to tighten. For my bite. For me to take her.

She was getting wetter just thinking about it. And me brushing my cock up and down her slit, running over her clit wasn't making it better. Well I'm going to make her wait a little bit longer.

"You know I love hearing you moan and yell and scream. I love how loud you can get. I love hearing the passion behind your voice." i said kissing her whole body. Stella moaned and let me listen to her sounds.

"But right now, I want you quiet. I want you to control your voice, no matter what I do. I want to see you do something that doesn't come naturally."

I held her still and she slightly opened her eyes to look at me.

"Hold it back. Be good for me. It'll be hard, especially since I'm going to test you. I'm gonna fuck you harder and deeper. Over and over again. Don't make a sound. Not even a peep."

I opened her legs a little wider and pushed my 2 fingers back in her. She took a deep breath and bit her lip trying to keep quiet. Now it was time for the fun. I pulled my fingers out then added another one. I pumped my 3 fingers in a couple of times the I pulled them out adding another. Oh fuck she was so tight and warm around my fingers. This shit was amazing. I knew I was gonna be pushing my limit but I had to do it. I pushed my thumb in and now I had all my fingers in my girlfriend. I didn't move just yet. I was letting her get used to the feeling. I looked up at Stella and her eyes were shut tight and her bottom lip was in between teeth. She was biting it so hard that there was blood dripping down her chin.

"Yet me hear you baby. Let the whole house know what im doing to you."

And boy oh boy did Stella let them know.

"L-luke I feel different. It feels so good. Sooooo good." she slurred.

"Let it take over baby."

Stella  screamed so loud as her body arched up and grabbed my hand and pulled it out of her. As she pulled my hand out her lovely juices came out too. Holy shit I feel like im gonna pass out if I don't get in her and cum soon. But this needs to last all night.

"Hey did that feel good?" she nodded unable to speak while still coming down from her high. "Can you make me feel good now?"

 Stella licked her lips the nodded. I'm not gonna lie I was pretty surprised and happy that she said yes. I knew her energy was running on empty so climbed up her body and took hold of her head. I was already dripping alot of pre cum. Stella opened her mouth and happily welcomed my throbbing dick. I trusted all the way in without her even gagging. Her body was relaxed from the drugs. Every time my dick hit the back of her throat she would shallow then lick the head of my dick.

"Oh hell Stella. You're to good at this." I moaned. She wrapped her tighter around me and I came seconds later. When I pulled out of her mouth there my cum dripping down her chin. I wiped it away then kissed her. I'd never kiss any other girl after she sucked me off but Stella  as different. She's my girl. I broke away from the kiss and went into the bathroom and turned the shower on. When I came back out Ivy was sleeping like a baby. I hate to wake her up but it has to be done. I walked over and shook her and she whined but opened her eyes.

"We're not done yet sweetheart. We still have to shower."

She rolled her eyes then reached her arms out for me so I could pick her up. Once she was in my arms I felt complete.

"I know you're tired, but tomorrow I want you to be sore. When you walk, breath or try to move I want you to feel the pain. The pain that I caused you. But always know the pain I cause you is out of love."

Yep that's right, i think im in love with Stella.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Aug 10, 2015 ⏰

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