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Stella's POV

Today was the day we were all going to Spain. I couldn't wait either. I was finally gonna the other guys girlfriends. Ohhhhh I hope they're cool. Luke and Michael told me and Amy that they were pretty chill, so I'll just take their word on it. Luke, Michael, Amy and I were already on the my dad's private jet waiting for the other guys and girls. Amy was alittle loopy. She took 2 valiums to calm her nerves about flying. Right now her and Michael were freakishly making out while me and Luke were just relaxing.

"They're here." Luke said looking at the text he just received.

"Okay tell the girls to meet us in the back."

I stood up and gave him a kiss before I pulled Amy off of Michael and took her to the back. I wanted to really get to know the girls, so that ment I needed to get them away from they're boyfriends. About 10 minutes later they entered. They all smiled and sat down.

"Hi I'm Natalie (I better be in a better book bitch jk) . I'm Ace's girlfriend." the black and blue haired  girl said. She was about the same size as him. Very skinny and petite. She took off her jacket to reveal a numerous amount of tattoos on her. I was mostly drawn to the X tattoo that covered her hand. She was not what I was expecting.

"Hi I'm Jasey. I'm Ashton's girlfriend." I'm not gay but I didn't even make eye contact with her. My eyes fell on her huge boobs. Like they were pornstar big but they didn't look fake. She sat down next to Natalie and noticed that I was still staring. "They're real." I looked back up at her and smiled.

"Hey I'm Amber. Calum is my bitch." Amy and I burst out laughing. Amber took a seat too. She had bleach blonde hair. It was so blonde it looked white. She had alot of piercings. Her ears, nose, lip, and tongue. I bet she had more that I just couldn't see.

"Hey I'm Stella and I go out with Luke."

"And I'm Amy, I'm Michael's girl."

Once we got past the meet and greet I went to mini fridge and hot us some drinks and snacks.

"So how'd you manage to tame Luke?" Jasey asked while Natalie and Amber nodded.

"Well I'm not really sure. I guess because I don't really do as he says. We butt heads and I think deep down it turns him on. So how did y'all meet the guys?"

"Well me and Calum would call each other up for just a casual fuck and I guess somewhere in-between we both caught feelings." Amber said. I remember Michael telling me about that the night I got shot.

"Ace came into my tattoo shop always hitting on me. And I would always turn him down. But one day he really pissed me off and I burned him with my cigarette. Andddd he burned me back. I was so turned on and couldn't keep my hands off him. We were dating by the end of the night." Natalie said opening a bag of chips. I turned to Jasey next.

"Well one night my girls dragged me to a club and I saw Ashton. We spent the rest of the night drinking and we both got wasted. And the next morning we woke up we had rings on my fingers and were married." She said nonchalantly.

"Hold the fuck up, your married... To Ashton?" I was flabbergasted.

Jasey nodded and pushed her hair behind her ear. "Well technically yeah. But we were only 17 when that happened. We didn't even remember the wedding."

"So why didn't you guys get a divorce?" Amy asked.

"Well we wanted one. But we got to know each other better and that's when I realized he was the one I wanted to spend my life with. It was pure luck I guess. How did you and Michael start to go out?" she asked Amy.

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