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"I present to you, the inaugural class of The Umbrella Academy!"

"I present to you, the inaugural class of The Umbrella Academy!"

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It was another one of their missions. The almost 13 year old children all made a group in front of the back-door of the bank as they discussed their plan to stop the robbery that was going on inside.

"So the plan is that I go in first. I'm gonna burst through the roof and knock most of them out. Then Allison and Diego follow and fight the rest. Five comes in and tries to distract them. Then there are Klaus and Valerie, who will help the hostages. And at last, there is Ben who ends all of it with his powers. Okay?" Number one explained, but no one said anything and just looked down at the floor. "What? What is it?" He asked as soon as he saw that nobody really agreed with his plan.

"I-I think it would be better to have a different plan. L-Like maybe they know us and they may have seen that it's always the same plan. So maybe they are prepared for that plan already." Valerie explained in a silent voice, not liking to speak up to her bigger 'brother'. Everyone agreed with her as they send her a nod, so she continued, "Maybe it's better if we come up with a different plan." She suggested and everyone nodded again.

Except for Luther.

He just rolled his eyes with a huff and a shake of his head as he asked, "What's your idea then?"

The brown haired girl thought for a second before saying, "How about... Allison goes in from the front door and rumours the leader of the group to shoot something and as soon as we hear the gunshot, we go inside. Luther can still burst through the roof, if he needs to so badly, and knock some people out. Then Diego and I come in and fight some people with our powers. Klaus and Ben go in and let the Hostages free. Five comes in at last and distracts some people before finishing them off. And then Ben ends it all. Does that sound good for everybody?"

Everyone looked at Valerie amazed and nodded with a bright smile. Luther looked at them with a speechless look, gaping like a fish without water, before scoffing and making his way to the roof of the bank. Allison went to the front door of the bank and Valerie, Diego, Klaus, Five and Ben walked to a side entrance, waiting for the signal.

They soon heard a gunshot and Luther jumping in through the roof. Diego ran in and Valerie turned to Five and gave him a kiss on the cheek before running inside. The boy was left there as a blushing mess and his brother's teased him about it before stopping and going inside as well.

Inside was a real chaos. Luther and Allison were fighting the robbers as Diego threw his knife's at them and Valerie used her Powers to have some of them in a chokehold and throwing them out of the window or against a wall. Klaus and Ben were letting the Hostages go while the others fought the shooters. Once they were all out and only one of them was left, the Umbrella Academy children all met up at the counter, where the leader of the group was while pointing his gun at them. "Stay back you freaks!" He exclaimed and stepped on top of the counter to be further away from them.

~𝕯𝖊𝖒𝖔𝖓~ (A Five H. Fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now