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Hi guys- sorry for being dead and sorry if this isn't one of your requests.

Btw this is my TMF Genshin Impact AU but more like "If TMF was in Genshin Impact" AU so I hope ya'll enjoy!

This chapter contains French kissing, jealousy, and s€xual h@rrasment(?) so if you don't want either of these please don't read this chapter or skip the part of the chapter.

Also a mention of Traveler/Lumine x Amber


Zander's POV

I was just about to go home when suddenly hillichurls started attacking me. I was ready to fight when someone suddenly appeared infront of me and started attacking the hillichurls.

"Are you okay Zander?" the auburn-haired boy asked.

"I told you I can fight by myself, Luke." I said annoyed.

"S-sorry.. Zander.." Luke said a little disappointed.

"It's fine, now let's head back to Mondstadt."

Me and Luke were walking towards Mondstadt when suddenly the moment seems awkward...

"So Zander, what do you think of Traveler?" Luke asked trying to start a conversation.

"I mean, she's cool I guess. I heard that she defeated that dragon, Dvalin." Zander answered.

"I know right! Isn't she so cool?" Luke said.

But then suddenly, after Luke said that, Zander felt he's heart shatter. "Does he like her? Does he have feelings for her?" Zander thought.

"Zander, are you okay? You zoned out.." Luke asked.

"Huh? Oh! Yeah! I'm fine! Thanks for asking.." Zander thanked Luke.

We're almost close to Mondstadt. As we were walking towards the city, we accidentally met up with the Traveler and her floating friend, Paimon.

"Oh traveler! We're lucky to bump into you!" Luke said happily.

"Oh Thank you! But you can just call me Lumine, but you can call me whatever you want though!" Lumine said smiling.

"Hey Traveler! Remember, you still have commissions to do!" Paimon reminded the Traveler.

"Oh that's right! See you guys later!" Traveler said as she ran through the forest.

"HEY YOU GUYS MADE THE PIGEONS FLY AWAY AGAIN!" a boy, Timmie screamed angrily.

"Oh sorry buddy, we'll be going now." Luke apologized to Timmie as I stayed quiet.

Though.. I don't know what I'm feeling right now.. It's hurts.. Right in my heart.. Why does it hurt..?



Am I..

Am I inlove with him?..


It's the best if I ignore this feeling.


"Hey Zander, I'm gonna go to our house now. Are you coming?" Luke asked.

(A/N: Luke, Zander and Hailey live in the same house. Don't get ya'll hopes too high🙄)

"No, I'm gonna go to Good Hunter to eat." Zander answered.

Lander One-shots | Requests: 𝐂𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐝 | By: • Søphia PÏNKZZ •Where stories live. Discover now