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One-shot requested/suggested by 7rfpqjy9w2privaterel!

As 7rfpqjy9w2privaterel requested/suggested, they are like 12 here.

Anyways, I hope ya'll enjoyed!^^

No one's POV

Zander was alone at the swings. He was waiting for Luke who was buying foods for them. It was peaceful until...

"Hey look! It's that gay nerd again!"

Oh no..

"P-please just leave me alone.." Zander stuttered while tears forming in his eyes.

"Why should we? It's your fault for dressing like a girl! Come one guys! Let's teach this fag a lesson" the leader of his bullies said as he smirked.

Minutes later...

"Let's go now, we'll teach him a lesson next time" he laughed as his friends laughed as well.

Zander was there lying on the ground crying with many bruises. He didn't want someone to see him like that so he went behind the slide and cried there.

Luke finally arrived but didn't see Zander at the swings. He heard crying behind the slide so, he looked behind and see who it is. It was Zander!

"Zander?!" Luke shouted in a worried voice "Are you okay?! You have so many bruises! Let help you!" Luke went to get his backpack and luckily, he has a First Aid Kit in his backpack.

"Here" Luke said as the grabbed Zanders arm. "Does it still hurt?" Zander shooked his head. "Let me guess. Those guys bullied you again?" Luke asked angrily as Zander nodded his head. "Don't listen to what those idiots have to say. You have me! I'll always be here for you! I promise" Luke said cheerfully. "Promise?" "Promise"

Zander placed a soft smile on his face that made Luke blush.

"I wish we could stay together forever" Luke said as they both blushed.

Luke felt Zander's soft hand cupping his right cheek as Zander kissed him on his left cheek. "Thank you for being always there for me Luke" Zander said, smiling softly. Luke was blushing madly "I- uh- y-you're welcome" Luke stuttered as Zander giggled. Luke smiled and giggled aswell.

"We should eat our foods now" Luke said as he helped Zander get up. But before they eat Luke hugged Zander as Zander hugged back. While they're hugging Luke said;

"I will always be here for you. I promise"

Me: Who else here wants to kill those bullies? 😀🔪
Anyways I hope ya'll enjoyed this^^
I'm still new to writing so maybe this suck- :')
If there is something wrong, please let me know so I can change it^^


Word count: 429 words

Lander One-shots | Requests: 𝐂𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐝 | By: • Søphia PÏNKZZ •Where stories live. Discover now