🎥Movie Night🎥

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One-shot requested/suggested by: Itz_MoonliglxhtChan

♡━━━━━━ ◦ ✤ ◦ ━━━━━━♡

Zander's POV

It was after school so I lay down in bed and tried to rest.

Few hours later, I got bored and decided to call Luke.

"Hello?" Luke said as he answered the phone.

"Hey Luke!"

"Oh! Hey Zander!"

"Hey Luke do you mind if you come here at our house and watch movie?"

"Oh sure!"

"Great! See ya later!"

I hung up as I wait for him to come.

Few minutes later, the doorbell rang. I ran to the door and saw my childhood friend Luke.

"Hey Zander" Luke said with his sweet smile. Zander blushed because of that.

(Me: I mean who wouldn't🙄✋🏻 I literally can't breathe when Luke smiled)

"H-hey.." I stuttered

"Can I come in now?" Luke questioned me.

"O-oh! Ofcourse!" I stuttered as I let my golden-eyed crush in.

"So, what movie are we gonna watch?" Luke asked as we sat at the couch.

"Whatever you want" I said to Luke

Luke's POV

I was choosing a movie. And then I found what movie I want to watch. It's called "A Dog's Purpose". It was a pretty good movie so I chose it, obviously.

"Here I found the one" I said as I played it.

Few Hours Later

Me and Zander were watching the movie until I felt something land on my shoulder. It was Zander who fell asleep while watching a movie.

"Cute..." I thought while blushing.

I turned off the TV and laid my head on Zander's.

Hailey's POV

I was sleeping peacefully until I felt thirsty.

I walked downstairs and saw Luke and Zander cuddling each other while asleep.

I took out my phone and took pictures of them. "I'm so telling the music club about this" Hailey thought happily.

I decided to wake up them up and make them flustered.

No ones POV

Zander and Luke were woken up by Hailey for some unknown reasons.

"You guys look so cute!" Hailey said in excitement.

"What do you mean?" Zander asked.

Hailey opened her phone and showed her the pictures of them cuddling.

Luke and Zander were so flustered and stayed quiet for a while.

"I'll leave you lovebirds be~" Hailey teased them.

No ones POV


"Zander.." Luke said, quietly.

"Y-yeah?" Zander stuttered.

"I have something to tell you..." Luke said.

"What is it?" Zander questioned.



"I LIKE YOU!" Luke shouted but not that loud.

Zander was in shock.

"Luke likes me?!" Zander thought while blushing.

"L-luke I-"

"It's okay... I get it.. you don't feel the same way.." Luke cuts Zander off.

"I like you too.." Zander said calmly.

"Y-you do?" Luke asks

"Ofcourse!" Zander replied with a blush.

They both just stared at each other. And Luke suddenly leans toward Zander and cups his face. Zander held Luke's hand.

Luke brings his face more closer to Zander that he could feel Zander's breathing.

Luke closed his eyes so did Zander and they finally kiss.

They pulled away few minutes later, probably flustered.

"S-so are we d-dating?" Zander stuttered

"I guess so.."

They look and smile at each other and said I love you to each other and sleep again while cuddling.

♡━━━━━━ ◦ ✤ ◦ ━━━━━━♡
Me: I don't really like how this turned out but I hope ya'll like it!

Also sorry for being dead

Okay bye now I'm just gonna cry because I just finished Haikyu!! and because of In another life(BokuAka) and In the other life(Also BokuAka and soon to read because I'm lazy)😃

Lander One-shots | Requests: 𝐂𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐝 | By: • Søphia PÏNKZZ •Where stories live. Discover now