Place takes 5 months after they got together

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Hopefully you enjoy this, This is my first fan fiction ever!!

Aunt freya we're gonna be late Lizzie doesn't like it when I'm late.

Aunt freya: I know, I know but Lizzie should understand that we live all the way in New Orleans it takes like 8hrs so buckle up because we're almost there.

Hope: sighs* ok.

2 hours later

Lizzie: omg what is taking hope so long to get here.

Josette: relax Lizzie she'll be here do you know how long it takes to get here from New Orleans

Lizzie: sighs* whatever I'm gonna go sit down and go eat breakfast with the witches and talk to mg.

Josette: oh ok have fun.

Josette POV: I sat waiting for hope for 2 more hours I know this might sound crazy why I sat 2 hours it's because hope is basically the only friend I have.  Ever since me and Penelope broke up hope has been comforting me and Lizzie just makes jokes out of it because Lizzie and Penelope never really got along ever since Penelope left I have felt lonely but when I'm with hope everything just feels better.

Josette: *smiles and blushes*

Hope's POV: finally we made it.

Hope: thank you for dropping me off aunt freya, Aunt Rebekah had plans with brother marcel so she wasn't able to

Aunt freya: no problem hope I can drop you off anytime you want keelin has been taking care of nik so I always would have time to drop you off!

Hope: well tell nik I said hi! And I'll be staying here for 5 days so you can come on Friday to pick me up for the weekend?

Aunt freya: I will! Have fun and behave

Hope: I will don't worry!

Aunt freya: *drives off*

Josette POV: maybe I should just leave it's been 4 hours an-

Hope: hey!

Josette POV: *turns around and see's the Auburn girl"

Josette: oh hey!

Hope: were you waiting for me?

Josette: oh uh I uh

Hope: *chuckles* relax you don't have to be quirky around me plus I think it's very sweet.

Josette: well yeah that's kind of my thing.

Hope: well you don't have to do that anymore because I'll be staying her for 5 days

Josette: really omg that means we'll be able to go to watch that countdown movie at the theaters

Hope: yup we would, But have you seen Lizzie I thought she would be the one waiting for me especially because she's my girlfriend.

Josette: don't worry she just went to go get something to eat I'm sure she'll be back.

Hope: oh ok

Josette: but in the meantime I could help you pack your stuff back in your dorm?

Hope: sounds great!

"1 hour later"

Hope: omg I am exhausted

Hope: *yawns*

Josette: maybe you should get some sleep hope especially because you've been in a car for 8 hours and now your unpacking.

Hope: yeah, your right can you tell Lizzie that I'm not feeling well today and we can't go on that date today I just really feel exhausted.

Josette: yeah of course hopefully Lizzie will understand tho because she's very intense when she doesn't get what she wants

Hope: I'm sure she would understand.

Josette: hopefully

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