Love spell

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Josie POV: I'm just sitting on my bed and I can't stop thinking about Rafael and how we kissed it was like magical I think the universe is telling me Rafael is my soulmate and hope's soulmate is Lizzie and I totally get it! *josie smiles on her bed*

Lizzie: *pulls the covers off Josie wake up sleepy head we have to get dressed we are go to go see countdown.

Josie: wait how do you know about that only me and hope said we were gonna watch it

Lizzie: well all of us

Josie: all of us?

Lizzie: yup me hope and Rafael

Josie: Rafael? Omg I'm coming

Lizzie: exactly so get up get dressed wear something hot just for Rafael.

Josie: *gets out of bed I will!*

Lizzie: *smiles*

Hope POV: I'm just sitting on my bed thinking about how Josie rejected my hug I know it was just one hug but she never rejected my kiss but she rejected my hug...

*lizzie knocking on hopes door*

Hope: come in!

Lizzie: hey sleepy head get up I made your favorite breakfast

Hope: eggy and basket mm you know me so well

Hope POV: Lizzie is very romantic and knows everything it's sad that one day I'll probably have to tell her I'm in love with her sister.

Lizzie: so we are going to go see countdown so after your done eating go take a shower and put some very hot clothes on just for me *lizzie smiles*

Hope POV: how in the hell does Lizzie know about countdown only me and Josie were going to that movie...

Hope: um, I will can I have privacy Lizzie?

Lizzie: of course

Lizzie: *walks to the door and leaves*

Hope POV: I need to talk to Josie...

Hope: *texts Josie*

Hopes text: hey Josie, I was wondering if you could lie to Lizzie and say ur sick and you can't go to the movies and I'll do the same thing and we'll go alone. And Um also I'm kinda just thinking about you and how you rejected my hug...

Josie's text: sorry hope I'm going with Rafael and your going with Lizzie we can't be shown together and this shouldn't last I don't wanna hurt Lizzie and you say you don't wanna hurt Lizzie but your doing things that will hurt her so I'm sorry but for now I'm actually into Rafael and he's into me sorry hope see you at the movies....

Hope: *see's text and starts tearing up*

Hopes POV: after that text I felt like I was dying how did she fall for Rafael that quick it's literally not possible something must have happened I don't even wanna go anymore I'm gonna have to lie to Lizzie. But Josie is right I can't keep saying I don't wanna hurt Lizzie but I am so I will go but I just don't wanna see Josie after what she just said it me...

Hopes POV: it's whatever it's not like I'll be by Josie anyways I'll be with Lizzie but I'm still hurt over what she said and I can't see her with anyone else but me...

Hope: *gets up and goes to the shower room*

Lizzie to mg: hey mg we are going to the movie theaters I was asking if you would like to come

Mg: actually I kinda have a headache after yesterday from the booze

Lizzie: oh ok Um feel better then.

Mg: Ok bye Lizzie thanks for the offer tho!

Lizzie: *smiles and walk away*

Rafael POV: I can't stop thinking about Josie, Josette saltzman lips was magical that night hopefully I get to kiss her while watching the movie that would be so romantic I'm gonna go get dressed for her.

*Lizzie knocking on Rafael door*

Rafael: come in

Lizzie: hey Rafael, I just wanted to give you this it's josie's favorite flowers and chocolates.

Rafael: thank you for inviting me to the theaters I really can't stop thinking about what happened between me and Josie

Lizzie: ok well all you have to do is keep Josie with you all day and not by hope?

Rafael: of course I don't want hope to be stealing Josie

Lizzie: deal?

Rafael: deal!

*Lizzie hands Rafael the roses and chocolates*

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