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Josie: I think I look great enough for Rafael don't you think Lizzie?

Lizzie: of course

Josie: also where were you?

Lizzie: oh I went to talk to Rafael to make sure he looked good for you that's all

Josie: your the best Lizzie honestly I don't know what I would do without you

Lizzie: of course jo I'm always there for you and you know that!

Josie POV: I can't believe Lizzie is helping me with Rafael she always ruined my relationships but know she is helping me *josie smiles*

Hopes POV: well I'm just gonna wear black shirt and some jeans

Hope: actually maybe I could show off... to make Josie jealous but we won't be close. Maybe for once I can actually appreciate Lizzie and what she does for me I don't wanna hurt her I'm just gonna have to get over the fact I'm "im love with Josie... I never said this before but I guess I'm over it I'm just gonna have to be happy with Lizzie.

Later on that day

Rafael car shows up in theaters parking lot*

Rafael and Josie get out of the car*

Lizzie's car shows *

Lizzie and hope gets out of the car*

Hope POV: I'm not gonna make any sound to Josie or even look at her today everything today is about me and Lizzie.

Lizzie: you ready for this babe?

Hope: of course

Lizzie and hope: *starts walking in*

Rafael: you ready shorty?

Josie: rolls her eyes* like I said don't call me that and yes I'm ready

Rafael: smiles* and puts his arms over Josie

Rafael and Josie: *walks in the theaters*

Theater lady: so here are the tickets for countdown and here are your seatings

Lizzie: thank you very much

Hope: so what are, are seatings?

Lizzie: I don't know let me check so your gonna be sitting by jo-

Lizzie: um....

Hope: wait what I don't wanna sit by Josie I wanna sit by you

Lizzie: I do too so I'm gonna go change it you go take Rafael and Josie in the theater before the movie starts while I change it

Hope: oh ok.

Hope POV: I can't believe I almost got seated by Josie and Lizzie wants me to take them to the theater room I don't wanna see them cuddling and how Rafael has his arm all over her jealousy is beneath me but I have to calm down *hope takes a few breaths*

Hope to Rafael and Josie: let's go.

Hope Rafael Josie: *walking to the theater room

Hope POV: the theater shows were showing all Josie and Rafael was doing was making jokes and eating popcorn waiting all I wanted to do was be by my girlfriend but she's taking so long for once I actually wanted to be with Lizzie so bad

Lizzie shows up*

Hope: finally

Lizzie: I got the seats changed

Hope: good!

Lizzie POV: I'm so happy that I finally get to be with hope and have Josie without me arguing with her about hope I'm so happy I settled this.

Hope: *cuddles Lizzie while watching the movie.

Josie: Rafael I think I have to use the bathroom can you make sure my spot is not taken?

Rafael: um sure be quick because the good part is about to come.

Josie: *laughs* I will

Hope POV: what is Josie doing.. I think I'll go check on her

Hope: um Lizzie can I go use the restroom?

Lizzie: sure babe

Hope: *gets up from her seat

Josie enters the restroom*

Hope enters the restroom*

Josie: see's hope

Hope: see's Josie

Hope: hey you ok?

Josie: why wouldn't I be?

Hope: it's just that ever since you went to the bon fire you've changed

Josie: how did I change just because I didn't wanna break my sisters heart  Josie quotes on quote " I changed"

Hope: we were not gonna hurt Lizzie. We were gonna tell her but you took the big step by getting with Rafael

Josie: omg are you obsessed or what.

Hope: says the person who is lying saying they need to use the restroom then drinking booze

Josie: um. How did u know

Hope: I can literally see it in ur bag Josie.

Josie: oh...

Hope: you know what we both need a cleanse *hope grabs the bottle*

Josie: hey give it back!

Hope: drinks some*

Hope: relax I was just getting a sip

Josie: I thought you don't like booze

Hope: well I'm frustrated and I said i wouldn't look at you or talk to you but it's hard not too

Josie: look I'm taken. And I'm finally happy and I don't need you getting involved your breaking my sisters heart and in a matter of time I would tell her so why don't you just leave me alone hope before I tell Lizzie everything.

Hope POV: how could she say that too me all I ever do for her is care for her...

Hope: you know what tonight I was gonna be with Lizzie and have fun. But I keep thinking about you and I thought wow I can't believe I actually loved you.

Josie- wha

Hope- leaves

Josie: wait hope!

Hope* leaving the theater crying*

*Lizzie see's hope*

Lizzie: hope?

Hope: what do you want Lizzie

Lizzie: excuse me where is this additute coming from because I did nothing

Hope: of course your making this about you lizzie.

Lizzie: first of all, I just wanted quality time with my sister my friend Rafael and you but you never consider that your always exhausted and making excuses just tell me what's wrong


Lizzie: wha- excuse me

Lizzie: *slaps hope*

Lizzie: walks away*

Hope: wait Lizzie, Lizzie wait!!

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