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Hope: thank you Rafael For today.

Rafael: no problem you can talk to me anytime you need.

Hope: *smiles*

Lizzie POV: ok I'm dressed and I'm ready to go talk to mg. I'm gonna be bold cocky and flirty like my usually self. *lizzie takes a few breaths*

*Lizzie walks to mg's dorm room*

Mg: umm, sorry hold on who is it?

Lizzie: mg it's me Lizzie

Alyssa: why is Lizzie knocking on your door?

Lizzie POV: wtf what is Alyssa doing here

Mg: hold on Lizzie I'm coming I just need to get dressed

*Mg mummers to Alyssa go out the window*

Lizzie: you know what never mind.

*lizzie walks away and goes to her dorm*

Lizzie: what in the hell did I just witness

Josie: what?

Lizzie: Alyssa is back and she was shacking up with mg

Josie: omg I'm so sorry Lizzie

Lizzie: it's fine I guess I always knew that mg and Alyssa weren't officially over.

Josie: well guess what, Jed broke up with Ethan and he's very much single.

Lizzie: jed is gay Josie.

Josie: no he's bi there is a difference he likes both girls and boys

Lizzie: I know what it is *rolls eye*

Josie: hey hey just saying

Lizzie: i will try to talk to him but I haven't really talked to him since the 1st grade what makes you think he'll want me.

Josie: listen prom is coming up soon you need someone bad.

Lizzie: true, and I'm actually getting tired of girls

Josie: see we both need a break from dating girls.

Lizzie: *rolls eyes* if your referring to Penelope don't

Josie: don't worry I'm done with her I've cleansed myself because I'm with Rafael now Lizzie you deserve happiness

Lizzie: your right I'm gonna probably go talk to jed later

Josie: that's the spirit!!

Hope's POV: I can't stop thinking about my time with Rafael I'm so happy that he helped me I don't have a crush on him or anything I'm just thankful plus I'm still not over Josie at all or Lizzie. The saltzman twins does a number on me so much.

*someone knocking on hopes door*

Hope: who is it?

Alaric: it's me Alaric

Hope: come in

Alaric: how are you feeling Lizzie told me about the breakup do you need a session?

Hope: no, no I don't I just need to figure a few things out.

Alaric: listen you and Lizzie were a complicated couple but you falling for Josie was totally not the move hope.

Hope: I know I know ok. Josie did a number on me and I couldn't shake her

Alaric: well that's young love

Hope: *starts laughing* yeah ok you're literally like a grandpa and you are here talking to me about "young love" what is the real reason your here Alaric?

Alaric: fine fine, you and jade are suppose to be the leaders of the prom.

Hope: me and jade? Alaric, that's my ex....

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