Part 4

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Aimee Dubois

11:50 a.m.

Aimee is still laying in her bed. She just can't get herself to get up. Yesterday weighs on her and she feels trapped and she feels horrible and she misses Rufus. So much.

So she spends her day in her bed so far and she just wants to sleep, because she feels like she didn't get any sleep this night but she can't. She can't sleep because her stupid thoughts are keeping her awake when she just wants to sink into the stupid mattress and pass out just to escape these very thoughts. She's getting even more annoyed when she gets another text from a random person, that she talked to maybe twice, giving Aimee their condolences. And she's getting so frustrated. Because she knows. 

She knows that he's dead. She fucking knows. And all these people do is rub it in more and more. She doesn't want to hear it anymore. The worst thing is, they didn't even know Rufus, not at all. Not the way she did. They only do it to feel better about themselves, because they know that they're not in the situation Aimee is in right now. They didn't know him and now they're acting like he was their closest friend and Aimee is annoyed, so annoyed. But she still thanks them. She still thanks them for their condolences, because she doesn't want to come off as rude.

She sighs and closes the messenger app. Right as she wants to lay her phone down again, her screen turns dark. The caller ID reads 'Rufus'. She stares at her phone and her heart starts racing. Could it be? Maybe someone just found his phone, and they're gonna tell her how he died. Oh god, please not. She doesn't think she could handle news like these right now. She answers the phone.



"Roof?" She tries again.

"Hey, Aimee" She almost doesn't recognize his voice. Her breath hitches. She can't get any words out. "Listen, please" He continues. Aimee is shaking. He's dead. This isn't real, She tells herself.

"Y- You're dead." She says. Tears begin filling her eyes.

"Listen, I don't know how, but Mateo and I- lived, I guess"

"You're not real" She's about to press the end call button, when she hears him again.

"No, Aimee, please don't hang up" Aimee doesn't know what to do. She's so confused. How is this real? "Aimes, You still there? Shit.." She stares at her phone screen and presses on the video-call button. She's waiting for him to accept, tears rolling down her already red and swollen face.

Rufus' face takes over her screen and she's absolutely stunned.

"What the fuck.." She whispers.

He's smiling, now, like he himself can't believe it either. Aimee breaks out into tears. She can't hold it back, now. They're not particularly sad tears, but they're definitely not happy tears, either.

"Promise you're real" She chokes out.

"Pinky promise" He holds up his pinky finger and Aimee can't help but laugh a little. "I swear I'm real, Mateo too." He shifts the camera to his right, where Mateo is sitting on his phone and Rufus ruffles through his hair when he doesn't react at first. He smiles weakly. Mateo looks beat up, they both do, actually, now that she's realized.

"How did you two..?" She begins, "Are you two the first people to?" She tries again.

"To what..?" Rufus asks her.

"Beat Death-Cast's prediction, you dumb ass." She has to giggle a bit and his face lights up in response.

"I mean.. I guess so?"

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