Part 5

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   "Roof? You okay?" Mateo.

I gaze up at him, for a second. I probably look like shit right now. I lean my head on his shoulders.

He shuffles, then places his arms around my body.

"I'm sorry"

I look up at him. Mateo looks taken aback, like he doesn't know what I'm talking about.

"I didn't mean to-" Shit. Running away from the issue is definitely easier. I try again "I'm sorry for forcing myself onto you. I'm sorry for running away."

"No, no, no, it's okay. Don't worry. I'm the one that's scared because I haven't done anything with anyone yet. If anything, I should be sorry"

"No, Mateo-" I place my arm on his "That's more than okay, I understand. I guess I just got kinda- ahead of myself and forgot. I'm sorry. I won't do it again. We'll take it slow." "We have more time now, after all"

"I liked it" He says softly. I look at him. He looks into the distance and continues. "I just freaked out. But I'd still appreciate if we take it slow."

"Of course." "Also, I'm sorry for running away. I guess I freaked out, too"

"Don't worry about it." He leans his head on my shoulder.

"Do you think we ever would've met if Death-Cast didn't exist?" I ask him. "Without the last friend app, I mean."

"I do." He answers. "I know, somehow. I feel like, life would've brought us together anyway."

"Maybe in another universe I ran into you on the street"

"Or we've been childhood friends for like, forever"

"And you were probably crushing on me since kindergarten because I'm just that handsome" I state.

"Shut up" he laughs and shoves me. "We both know it would be reversed. I'm irresistible, after all." I roll my eyes. He's right though. If I met him sooner I would've been in love since the first time I saw him. Because that's what happened, yesterday, and I know that in every other universe it happened, too. Lost in my thoughts, I don't hear the footsteps approaching and two people stopping abruptly at the sight of Mateo and me.

"..Roof? What the fuck?" Tagoe and Malcolm.

Yeah. Fuck.

I jump to my feet.

"Let me explain.. please" The two of them take a step back, almost like they're afraid of me. Mateo gets up beside me. He takes my hand in his, to like, show moral support or something, I don't know.

"D'you think this is fucking funny?" Tagoe asks. "We thought you were actually dying and it was a fucking prank all along?"
"You're full of shit. Both of you" Malcolm swears. He's getting more and more railed up as he's pointing at Mateo and me. I step in front of Mateo to protect him if anything happens. I doubt it, but Malcolm and Tagoe can get pretty aggressive.

"You saw Death-Cast call. You were there when-" I try.

"Yeah, and?" Tagoe interrupts me.

"I thought I was dying, too."

"Then why are you alive and standing in front of me right now?" I stare at him for a moment. Because he's right. Why am I alive? Truth is, I don't know. So that's exactly what I say.

"I dunno"

"What do you mean, you don't know? For fuck's sake, can you be clear for once"

"We survived, somehow"

Tagoe is about to open his mouth, the furious look still on his face, when Malcolm places a hand on his shoulder.

"You're the ones that crashed Death-Cast, aren't you?"

"I think so" Mateo answers for the both of us while moving back next to me.

"Then why didn't you call? Roof, we thought we lost you."

"I- I swear I was about to. I already called Aimee."

"And I called Lidia. Rufus was about to call you two, I swear. Just- Something came between it."

Malcolm raises and Eyebrow and glances between the two of us. His gaze settles on me and he and Tagoe pull me into a deep hug. Phew. That could've gone worse. I feel Tagoe's arm reaching out, then pulling Mateo into the hug too.


12:48 p.m.

After Rufus got to catch up a bit with Tagoe and Malcolm, they agree to meet up later again and we part ways. Rufus and I walk around the streets a little helplessly, not knowing where to go next. There's so much to do, still.

"Can we go visit my dad?" "I know we just went yesterday, but I'm scared he'll wake up and think I'm dead. I left him that message, after all." Rufus squeezes my hand in response.

"'course we can. We don't need to rush today. Take all the time you need with your dad."

"I don't want to make you wait"

"I'll be okay waiting. You have enough to tell him, after all." He gives me an understanding smile.

I lead the two of us in the direction of the hospital. All I hope is that that guy from yesterday isn't there. I really don't want to explain myself over and over again. 


1:06 p.m.

I didn't actually expect dad to be awake, but it still hurts a bit to see his unconscious body still laying in the hospital bed. I know the nurses times from memory, so I'm just hoping not to run into some familiar faces. I take the picture I left on the bedside table, the one with me and my birthday cake and stick it back into my pocket. He won't need my goodbye letter anymore, because I'm not dying. Hopefully.

"Hey.. dad" I start. I know he won't answer. But I hope he can hear me, like I read in that article that said that sometimes people in comas will still hear what you're saying, they just can't answer. It's a horrible concept, but for the chance that it's true, I'll just talk to him. Let some stuff out. I clear my throat before continuing.

"I was here yesterday, too. You know how I told you a story yesterday? I have another one. Yesterday, Death-Cast told me I was dying. I guess I didn't really tell you, though, because I thought I'd never see you again. Well, turns out that wasn't true. I made it, somehow. I came here, yesterday, to say goodbye, so this just feels really weird. But I'm happy. I really am. For the first time in a while, I've been genuinely happy."

I take a deep breath.

"I met this guy yesterday, over the Last Friend app. We got along well, and-" I gulp. "Well, we survived, together. I really like him, you know. Like, really, properly like him. He helped me with a lot of stuff yesterday. He helped me live, get out of the apartment, he helped me get to you, yesterday and generally helped me live a last day that felt worth it. He also helped me find myself." I take another breath.

"I don't know what love is exactly. But I think I love him. I'm gay, dad." I let out a shaky breath.

"His name is Rufus. He's great. I wish you could meet him. I want to finally bring someone home and have an awkward dinner with you and him while you act all cool and stuff without realizing that you're actually just embarrassing me in front of him." I can't help but chuckle a bit at the idea of Rufus meeting my dad. "I miss you. Please, wake up. I really, really, miss you." Tears shoot in my eyes. I do really miss him, so much.

I stay a bit longer, just waiting. Because maybe he'll magically wake up. 

(just a quick note on the end of this chapter: I'm going on vacation for the next 2 weeks and I'm not taking my laptop with me. So there probably won't be any updates in that time span, but let's see, shall we? Anyways, thank you all for the support on this fic and I hope you liked the story so far! )

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