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~Violet's P.O.V.~

Our dinner was nice. Quiet, but nice. That was until I saw the guy from the party the other night.

I had to avoid him at ALL costs. So I stood up, trying to make my way towards the restrooms at the back of the restaurant without being seen.


Too late.

He turns to his date and says something, then nods before walking over to me with a huge smile on his face,

"Hey, so I was meaning to get your name and number the other night before that jerk pulled you away from me. I'm Niall." He smiles again before stretching his hand out for me to shake it.

I oblige, giving him a small smile before I place my tiny hand in his larger ones,

"Violet." I tell him, looking in his gorgeous blue eyes.

I look over at Niall's date and she looks furious,

"Uhh, you should get back to your date." I tell him, removing my hand from his warm one.

"Yeah I probably should, but I don't much care for her. Never have, to be completely honest. I've been trying to find you for days now. And I finally did." He beams at me, handing me his phone.

As I'm putting my number in Niall's phone, his date comes over and slaps him.

Everyone turns to look at us. Harry included.

I quickly shove Niall's phone back into his pocket, Harry watching me as I do so.

He looks pissed.

Could this night get any more embarrassing?

"Who the héll is this?!" She pushes his shoulder, waiting for an answer.

Niall doesn't say a word. He just holds his cheek and looks into my eyes before walking out of the restaurant,

"Niall is my boyfriend and you were picking him up. Who the fúck do you think you are? Hmm?"

This bítch just won't stop.

"I'm the girl who just stole your man." I smirk and walk back to my table, sitting down just as she stormed out of the restaurant.

Everyone turns back to their food because all the excitement is now over,

"What the fúck was that?" Harry fumes.

"He wanted my number. So I gave it to him." I shrug, taking a sip of my water.

"But you're on a date with me." He snaps at me.

"Aww, are you jealous?" I lean back and cross my arms, giving Harry a smirk.

"Fúck no. I'd just appreciate it if you didn't pick up other guys when I'm paying for your dinner." Harry spits.

"First off, he picked me up. Tonight as well as the other night at the party. I was gonna go home with him until you pulled me away from him. Secondly, this isn't a date. And third, you're jealous." I laugh as the waiter sets my food down in front of me.

Harry sighs, "Just stay away from him, okay?"

I ignore him and eat my food.

The rest of our dinner was painfully quiet, but the ride home was awkward.

When Harry's car came to a stop in my driveway, I got out without saying a word to him.

He turned his car off and followed me to the door,

"And just what do you think you're doing, Harry?"

"Going inside with you."

"That's funny. Considering that's not gonna happen." I open the door to my house, walk inside, and turn to face Harry.

"Why not?" He asks.

He honestly doesn't think he did anything wrong, does he?


"Well for starters, you think that just because we slept together, that you can control me."

Harry opens his mouth to speak, but I put my hand up to silence him,

"No. I don't wanna hear it. Who I associate with is none of your concern, Harry. None. I'm not yours." I slam the door and lock it.

I'll admit, I went a little too far, but I did try to avoid Niall..

I'm not the one Harry should be mad at anyways. I didn't go out of my way to give Niall my number.

He came up to me and he asked me for my number.

I sigh, knowing that if I try and say anything else to Harry, even if I try to resolve this, we will just end up fighting over it again and I don't want that.

I walk upstairs into my bedroom, get undressed, and climb into bed.

Just as I climb into bed, my phone goes off.

I grab my phone off the night stand and open my phone.

A text message.

*Hey, I'm truly sorry for what happened earlier tonight. My girlfriend and I got in a huge fight over this and broke up, but I didn't think I would ever see you again, so I had to talk to you. I was planning on leaving her in the very near future anyways. I understand if you never want to see me again. This is Niall by the way.*

It's really late, but I decide to text him back anyways,

*It's cool. Shít happens. And I do want to see you again. Maybe not wasted next time, yeah?*

*Sweet. Just let me know when you're free. Hope to hear from you soon. Have a good rest of your night.*

I put my phone back on the night stand and pull the covers back over my shoulder.

~Harry's P.O.V.~

When Vi slammed the door in my face, I was fuming.

So I did something I knew she'd be pissed about when she found out about it.

I got in my car and drive to Melanie's.

She was surprised to see me at her door,

"What are you doing here? I haven't heard from you in weeks."

I ignore her question and kiss her.

I wake up the next morning, naked and laying next to Melanie.




I put my clothes on as fast as humanly possible and bolt out the door.

Why did I do that?

Why did I sleep with the one girl who could make my life a living hell if she found out why I slept with her?

The one girl who if Vi knew about this, could ruin what we have?

God, I'm such a fúcking idiot. What the héll is wrong with me?

I'm completely fúcked.

I can't tell Violet.

I won't tell Violet.

Because we're not together.

And I can associate with whomever I want.

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