
672 11 3

**Smut Warning**

"Too damn many, sweetheart.." a voice says.

I turn around to see Harry, arms crossed, leaning against the doorway with a smirk plastered on his face,

"Jesus fúcking Christ, Harry! You scared the shit out of me!"

He burst out laughing.

I didn't think it was funny and still had a horrified look on my face,

"What the héll are you doing here and how did you get into my flat?!" I interrogate him.

The smirk fades off his face as he gets off the doorway and uncrossed his arms,

"Your front door was unlocked." he replies cooly, pointing behind him.

"Okay...but that doesn't explain what you're doing here." I told him, sitting down on my bed.

I grab a black sweatshirt off the floor and put it on, because I don't want him starting at my boobs the whole time.

He leisurely walks over to me and stops a few inches away from me,

"I had to see you." he seductively whispers, "I had to see your beautiful face, those gorgeous blue eyes and that smoking hot body you're currently hiding under that sweatshirt you just put on so I wouldn't stare at your títs." He smirks.

He moves closer to me, tucking a loose strand of my blond hair behind my ear.

I put my hands on his hips and innocently look up at him,

"If you wanna fúck me, at least but me dinner first."

He moves my hands off his hips, spreads my legs with his knees and slowly gets on top of me,

"And what happens if I don't wanna buy you dinner first? Hmm?"

He is now hovering over me on my bed,

"Then kiss me." I breathlessly whisper, my heart rate speeding up rapidly.

"Happily." he purrs.

He leans down while licking his lips. As soon as his lips meet mine, my body catches fire and is a million times better than his drunk kisses last night.

I can't help but moan when I feel his right hand slide under my bra and start to massage my left breast. I feel myself getting wet. I break the kiss and whisper in his ear,


"What?" He whispers, still massaging my breast.

"You're making me wet." I breathlessly say.

"Is that so?" He says, while taking my sweatshirt and tank top off at the same time.

"Mhmm, yeah." I hum.

His eyes dart straight to my bright red lace bra,

"Dámn..." Was all he said before reaching under my back, unclasping my bra, while kissing my neck.

"You have no idea how long I've been waiting for this..." He seductively whispers, sliding the straps of my bra off of my shoulders.

He holds my bra over the edge of my bed and drops it on the floor, smirking as he dips his head down into my neck.

He plants rough kisses, stopping every now and again to leave love bites until he finds my sweet spot.

I moan and slide my fingers into his curly hair, pulling lightly. Harry groans and licks from the base of my neck to breathlessly whisper,

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