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~Harry's P.O.V.~

When they get over to me they all stop and cross their arms.

"I guess you better knock our teeth in then." The short, fat, balding one says.

The taller, scrawny one looks at the other shorter one and snickers behind him.

I stand up and tower over them, standing at six-foot-two in my boots.

They're no more than five-foot-eight. Their eyes are instantly filled with regret.

"I'll give you one last chance. Get the fúck out of here or I'll do more than just knock your teeth in." I growl, keeping my voice low so only they could hear me.

Violet steps in between us and puts her hands on my chest,

"Harry, please. They're not worth it. You're the one who gets to fúck me and see me naked every day. There's no reason to get worked up over them." Violet plays along with me.

I smirk and look at the three men standing behind my 'girlfriend'. They look pissed, but their eyes still rake down her body.

I give them the finger and put my arms around Violet's waist, my hands finding their way to her áss. Their eyes pop out of their skulls when they see what I'm doing.

"I think it's best if you losers just hit the road." Abby speaks up, a cheeky grin on her face.

They tear their gaze from my hands on Violet's áss and glare at Abby. Their eyes hold a look of defeat as they walk away.

Violet moves her hands to my hands and removes them from her áss. I don't let go of her hands once she has them in mine. I look down at her and smile.

"You're welcome." I tell her.

"You didn't have to do that. I could've handled that myself." She declares, dropping her hands from mine and walking back behind the bar.

"Vi, you would've just let them stare." Abby interjects.

"So? What's wrong with that? It happens every night I work.." Violet mutters.

"You have to stand up for yourself, babe." I voice my opinion.

"Not when I'm at work. And don't call me babe." Violet spits at me.

**2:50 AM**

I met John about an hour ago. I don't like him. He's such a fúcking pússy.

Violet gets off in ten minutes and I can't wait to walk out of here with her, and John watching as I slide my arm around her waist.

I've been sitting at the bar for hours without any drinks. Abby left soon after those guys tried fighting me. I sobered up so I could drive Violet home because she's wasted.

Violet comes out from the back room with her jacket on and her bag on her shoulder.

"Ready?" I ask her.

"For what?" She slurs.

John walks over to her and puts his arm over her shoulders.

"I'm gonna drive you home, love. You're plastered." I smile at her.

"Do you know this loser?" He questions her.

Violet takes John's arm off of her and walks over to me, wrapping her arms around my waist.

"This 'LOSER' happens to be my new boyfriend." She blurts.

She's still on that, huh? Oh, well. I'm gonna go with it.

John's eyes widen as I smirk slyly. I turn us towards the door and guide her towards it.

I look behind me and John is gawking at us. I give him the finger before opening the door for Violet.

~Violet's P.O.V.~

Harry snakes his arm around my waist as we walk towards the door. He looks behind us and lifts up his hand which I'm assuming it was to wave to John.

Harry opens the door for me and I step outside and the crisp air nips at my skin. He takes his keys out and unlocks the doors to his car.

I open the passenger side door and get in. Harry closes my door before walking over to the driver's side and getting in.

He shoves the key into the ignition and starts the car. I buckle my seatbelt before Harry pulls out of the lot.

I stare out the window of Harry's car. His hand finds its way to my thigh. I smile and put my hand on top of his.

"So, uh..why'd you tell that whánk John that I was your boyfriend?" Harry breaks the silence.

"I dunno..He always tried to get with me. James never came around the bar and I didn't tell John about him until a few weeks ago. And when I told him that James cheated on me the night before, he came onto me thinking James and I had only been dating for a month before he cheated...I shut him down but I just didn't want him to do it again, I guess." I confess.

"Wait..you used me? Wow, I didn't think you had it in you." Harry chuckles.

"I don't like him. We're just coworkers. I never date coworkers. And he took me being nice as flirting.." I add.

We pull up to my house and I get out of his car, shutting the door behind me. Harry rolls his window down.

"G'night, Violet." He says.

"Aren't you coming in?" I beg.

"Umm, yeah. Sure." Harry reluctantly agrees.

He shuts off his car and gets out, following me to my door. He's close behind me as I walk into my living room and turn on my tv, switching to Netflix.

Harry sits on my couch, making himself at home. He playfully pats the cushion next to him. I walk over and sit next to him, snuggling into his side.

I search through my list and put on my favorite show, Lost Girl. We stretch out on the couch and Harry puts his arms around me and slowly drifts off to sleep.


~Abby's P.O.V.~

After those fúckers left, I was pissed and needed to let off some steam. I told Vi that I was gonna go get some shut eye but I actually found those pricks behind the bar before they left.

"Hey, ássholes. I'm not fúcking done with you. Get the héll out of that car, fat áss." I demand.

He gets out of his pinto and walks up to me.

"You know what? I'm gonna teach you a lesson, sweet cheeks." His voice low.

"Let's see you try it then, you repugnant douche bag." I challenge.

The other two guys get out of the car, to watch the action I assume.

They all smirk at each other as their feet carry them towards me.

Oh, héll...


Hey, peeps! Shít's about to get real. lol. Thanks for reading (:

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