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~Abby's P.O.V.~

Smirks are plastered on all three of their faces as they try to enclose themselves around me. One of the taller ones gets to me first and I knee him in the crotch.

He groans in pain as the short one reaches up and slaps me across the face. My hands are on my stinging face in a second.

"Now, now. That wasn't very nice, was it?" He cackles as he curls my hair behind my ear.

I look down at him and spit in his face. He glares at me and punches me in the gut. I topple over in pain and one of them kicks me in the stomach.

One of the taller ones rolls me onto my back and unzips his pants. I grab the greasy hair on the back of his head and slam it into mine.

I shove him off of me and get up off of the cold, hard asphalt. The other taller one pushes me into the wall of the bar, slamming my face into the wall. He grabs my áss and breathes into my ear,

"You're feisty..I like it." He slurps.

I shiver out of pure digust and turn around to face him. He licks his lips and I put my hands into his chest and force him away from me.

He doesn't take well to that, but I'm charging him. My fist collides with his face, knocking him out cold.

Two down. One to go.

I turn to the fat fúck on my right but he's already running to his car. I laugh maniacally at the way he's running. I'll let him go. He's learned his lesson,

"If I EVER see you again, I'll fúcking kill you!" I call to him as he gets into his car and speeds away.


~Violet's P.O.V.~

Harry's phone vibrates on the table, waking me from my slumber in his arms. I carefully peel his arms off of my bare stomach. The phone vibrates again and I pick it up, looking at the screen.

Who's Melanie? And why is she asking Harry to come over and chill..?

I can't help the tears that well up in my eyes when I stand up and walk upstairs to my room. When I get into my room, I slam the door and throw myself on my bed, letting the tears fall freely.

Why am I crying? I should've known I wasn't the only girl he was 'talking' to. How could I be so stupid?

I hear footsteps down the hall. I must've woke Harry up with the slamming of my door. There's a loud knock on my bedroom door.

"Violet? Are you alright, love?" He asks, concerned.

"Yeah, Harry. I'm fine." I sniffle.

"You sure?" Harry questions.

"I'm sure." I wipe my eyes and open the door.

"You've been crying. Vi, what's wrong?" He caresses my cheek with his thumb.

Did he just call me Vi? I look up at him and force a smile.

"Who's Melanie?" I shyly ask.

"You don't have to worry about her, babe. We used to date. She thinks I'm still wrapped around her finger. I left her because she cheated on me over a year ago. We talk sometimes but she keeps trying to get me to take her back but I'm never gonna." Harry explains.

"Oh.." I mutter, looking at his feet.

He puts two fingers under my chin and makes me look at him.

"She's nothing to me. I swear." Harry says, convincing me he's telling the truth.

I don't say a word and press my lips to his.


~Abby's P.O.V.~

I slam my car door shut and speed off onto the street once I sit in the driver's seat.

My knuckles turn white on the steering wheel and the cuts on my hands become bigger and deeper the harder my hands grip the wheel.

Man, that was close. Fun..but close.

My adrenaline begins to subside the longer I drive. The rush was incredible but I don't think I'll be doing that again any time soon.

I pass Vi's place on the way to mine and see Harry's car in the driveway but not Violet's.

Hmm...wonder what he's up to.

Eh, I'm sure he just drove her drunk áss home. I'm too distracted to really care right now.

I pull into my driveway down the street and get out of my car.

My fingers were fumbling with my keys, trying to get a hold of the right one for the handle of my door.

Dámn adrenaline...

I finally get my door open but don't bother going up the stairs.

I'll just watch cheesy, black and white shows until I fall asleep.

~Harry's P.O.V.~

I'm not exactly sure what Violet was doing going through my phone, but we both needed to be convinced that Melanie is nothing to me.

Even though it was a year ago, my heart still hurts.

'You're better than that, Harry.' My subconscious tells me.

I push the thought back and keep kissing Violets' soft lips.

Man, I want to take her right here, right now..and she's barely done anything but kiss me.

I growl and lift her up.

She squeals, but lets me continue what I'm doing.

I set her on her bed and take off my shirt.

She licks her lips and pulls me on top off her.


Hey guys. Sorry I took so long and sorry it's short. I'll finish what Violet and Harry started in the next chapter... ;) I'm also sorry if you got confused by a the pov changes. Everything in this chapter is going on at the same time and I just want to make sure you see what Harry and Violet are doing while Abby is doing something else.

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