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~Harry's P.O.V.~

I can't tell Vi about this. If I do, I'll hurt her. But if I don't tell her, it'll tear me apart inside.

I need to tell her.

I can't lie to her.


I'm so damn nervous.

I know I'm gonna get slapped, or yelled at. Or both.

Hell, maybe she might punch me.

But I could care less. She needs to know the truth. Because I can't keep this from her.

It's better that I do it now rather than later down the road. It'll be better for the both of us. Right?

~Violet's P.O.V.~

After Harry left, I tried to sleep, but failed miserably..

So I texted Niall.

*Hey, sorry to bother you. I know it's late. And maybe a bit too soon, but do you want to come over? I can't sleep and I kinda need someone to talk to haha.*

Then I sent another right after.

*It's cool if you don't want to, though.*

Not even a minute later, I get a reply.

*No, no. I do. I'll come over. Gimme your address.*

I smile and take my lip I'm between my teeth as I text Niall back.

*1401 Mott Dr. See you soon ;)*

With that, I fling the covers off of me, then put on a matching black lace bra and panties.

I put a robe over my lingerie so that Niall won't see what I'm wearing under it. I lay back down on my bed and patiently wait for his arrival.

Within a few minutes, I hear a knock at the door.

I smile slyly, then head over to the door to let Niall in.

As soon as I open the door, I see a smiling Niall,

"Hey Violet!" Niall beams before walking inside.

"Hey, Niall." I reply as I close the door.

The moment I turn around from closing the door, Niall wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me into a hug. My arms instinctively wrap around his neck.

We stand there like this for a good two minutes before Niall slightly loosens his grip on my waist,

"I wasn't expecting this, you know," Niall starts.

I tilt my head out of confusion,

"For you to ask me to come over. For you to want anything to do with me, to be honest." He finishes.

Niall lets his arms fall to his side.

"Oh." is all I say.

I don't know what else to say so I just look him in the eyes before closing them and pressing my lips to his.

He seems taken back by my bold move, but within seconds his lips start to move in sync with mine.

Niall moves his hands to my hips and grips them firmly.

My reaction was to close as much of the gap between our bodies as I possibly could.

Our lips are still attached when he steps forward, forcing me to back into the door.

I can feel the bulge in Niall's jeans grow with every second that passes.

I let my hands slide from his neck onto his chest and under his plain black t-shirt.

My cool hands against his hot chest make him shiver a little. My hands start to wander, taking in every inch of his toned chest.

Niall tightens his grip on my hips, then begins to grind his hips into mine.

I whimper softly into the kiss before taking his bottom lip between my teeth and softly nibbling on it,

"Fúck...harder." Niall whispers.

I obey and bite his lip with more force.

"I can't take this anymore." Niall grunts.

Niall stops what he's doing and picks me up.

I wrap my legs around him as his legs start moving towards my couch. He sets me down and takes his shirt off.

Niall slides the robe off of my shoulders. I take it off the rest of the way and toss it to the side.

Niall can't help but let his eyes wander over my body. A few hungry kisses are stolen from me as my fingers fumble with the button on his jeans.

I stand up off of the couch and pull my panties down as Niall takes his jeans off along with his boxers.

My eyes are glued to his member until he chuckles softly. I look up, slowly. Taking in every inch of his front side.

When my eyes meet Nialls', his hands reach up and slip my bra straps off. I reach behind me and unclasp the only clothing that remained on either of our bodies, letting it fall to the floor between us.

Niall pulls me into him, our naked bodies leaving no room for Jesus.

His lips connect with mine as his hands slide down to my bare hips, pulling them as close as he can to his.

I feel Nialls' díck growing harder as he moves his hands to my áss and squeezes my cheeks.

The pleasure I'm receiving from just this alone is unbelievable.

I make Niall sit on the couch and I climb on top of him. He places his hands on my hips once more to help steady me. With one hand on the back of the couch, and the other on his cóck, I slide him into me.

A small moan escapes both of our mouths as I slowly slide his member farther into me.

I move my other hand to the back of the couch before Niall licks in between my breasts.

I let a small smirk creep onto my face when I see the almost primal look in his eyes.

His hands remain on my hips as I start moving them up and down, slowly, so I can feel every inch of him inside of me.

I lean my head back slightly and close my eyes, letting the pleasure consume me, but I keep the pace the same, making the tension between us build. I can feel Niall's eyes on me, burning a hole through my chest. He's hungry for more. I know he is. But I don't want to give him more just yet. I want to keep him right where he is.

But he doesn't want to stay there. Niall tightens his grip on my hips and stands up, my legs instinctively wrapping around him,

"I can't fúcking take this anymore, my god. You're just teasing me and not giving me what you know I want. What we both want." He growls.

He removes his length from inside me lays me down on the floor beside my couch, and gets on his hands and knees so he's now hovering over me,

"Now it's my turn, babe. And I'm not gonna stop until you're trembling out of sheer pleasure."

Hey, guys! I'm very sorry I took like a year to update. I had a lot going on and still kinda do but I'm gonna try and distract myself by updating all my books on here and maybe post some new ones. So if y'all will check those out for me, that'd mean the world to me. Thanks! Ily all, you beautiful people!

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