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I stare at the wall as I hug Mr. Fuz tightly in my arms.
I think back to the day we first met, we were in the first grade.
I replay the years in my head. I could've cherished those memories much more, but who knew that Luke could loose his memories like that.
I put my hand under my pillow and look for my ear buds and phone.
I connect the earbuds in and put my music. Just as I'm about to put my earbuds in the door opens.
A tall girl with glasses and long wavy black locks of hair stands there staring at me.
Stacy Stevens, we first met in 7th grade and has been my closest girl friend.
"Yeah?" I ask.
"Can we talk? What're you thinking about right now?" Stacy answers.
"Uh, Luke... the day we met?" I say slowly.
"Great! Great topic! Talk about him! Let it all out. tell me all your memories. okay?" she shouts.
Her method of making someone feel better.
Barge into someone's house and make them talk to her.
I think back,"it was the first grade. We were in the same class but we never talked to each other. I probably didn't know he existed to be honest. That day was being your stuffed animal to school day and I brought Mr. Fuz.. but these little asses took him from me and ran off. I was crying my eyes out. I didn't know what to do, I didn't have the confidence to yell at them and take him back, Those kids were giant!" I said.
"Wow.. if that happened now you would've kicked their asses." Stacy says.
"Ha.. so.. Luke. Luke came up to me and started patting me on my head and asked me what was wrong. I told him and he was determined to get him back for me. I saw him run up to the boys that stole Mr. Fuz from me and he was yelling. I don't know what he said. he never told me. The giant kid threw Mr. Fuz to the ground and stepped on him! Oh my god. I was scared for his life! But he ran off after that and Luke got my bear back... We met just like that. We were inseparable. We even promised to get married because we liked each other so much." I laugh and feel wet droplets land on my hand. I didn't even realize that I was crying until now.
Stacy smiles and hugs me.
And then she stops.
"Do you think he'll be able to get his memories back?" She asks.
"I don't know. It depends if deep inside, he was really satisfied with his life."
"What do you mean?" She looks me in the eyes.
"If he really cared enough, he would come back."
"What he doesn't come back?..."
I wipe my tears and stare at Mr. Fuz.
"Actually, no. He'll come back for sure."

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