~The Murder's Anguish~

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The poor, innocent crows. Even after she had had Tommy and Tubbo, she made it a regular thing to see her murder and to surf the skies alongside them. The whole murder had loved her so dearly. She was like a queen in their eyes. So to hear that the person they considered too perfect for this world had died. It hurt them. Cries of the murder could be heard. It could be heard from everywhere whether you were inside or outside.

The crows. They usually went to her for comfort but if she wasn't here anymore, who could the go to for comfort? The answer was one they hadn't considered for almost eighteen years. Yet, it was the only source of comfort that would understand their caws of sorrow.

So the flock flew. They flew as fast as they could until they covered the entire backyard of the house that hadn't felt familiar in ages. Almost as soon as the flock landed, the man rushed out the door. The obvious sorrow plagued his usually cheerful face. His crystal blue eyes were shadowed with grief. His blonde hair looked all frayed and frizzed, even though she had died what seems barely three hours ago. The man stretched out his dark grey wings and sat down amongst the crows.

The crows perched on his shoulder, trying to give the man comfort. In return, the man tried to give comfort to the crows. The man felt like such a terrible father. He had let his daughter die. He hadn't even tried to prevent it. Though, there was nothing he could've done anyways. He wasn't anywhere close enough to save his daughter. And that left him and the crows. The man was enveloped by the sorrow of a grieving father. And that was a sorrow, he would never escape.

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