Brawl Stars Short Story #1 - Colgar

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Colette sat placidly near the pond outside her home, her hands tittering over the arduously decorated pages of her pink scrapbook as she stared out into the distance, her eyes locked on a small cactus. Like her, the cactus had frequented such a site many times before, and Colette was more than willing to watch him frolic among the sun. She had recently dedicated a page of her scrapbook to him, collecting the spikes that would fall from his body at passing moments. What intrigued her was that, every single time the cactus visited the pond across from her, he would barely notice her. Instead, he would gather nearby stones and skip them about the pond, staring at his own reflection beneath the water, gloomily, whenever the stones would sink right away. Other times, he would drag a spike of his through the dirt, as if drawing diagrams and symbols.

Colette absolutely adored him, and had no problem with waiting for hours on end for the cactus to arrive near the pond and go about his business, even when his visits were mostly spontaneous and only lasted a few minutes. Her friend and colleague, Edgar, would often scold her about such actions in a brooding manner, claiming that she had no reason to waste so much time on this character she barely knew. She recalled a day prior, where he had spoken to her in the midst of her daydreaming about the cactus during their work hours.

"Yo, Colette." He'd murmured, at first unbeknownst to her fantasies. He was standing across the gift shop, shelving another box of merchandise that had arrived the day before using the hands of his scarf for aid. "I was wondering if you'd like to watch me practice some parkour after our shift. I've-" He paused, deliberately hiding behind the cloth of his scarf, his eyes avoiding hers. "I've been practicing a few tricks, and I'd like to show them to you."

Colette was immediately snapped out of her trance after she heard Edgar's words in a blur, not completely focused. "Uh . . . Hm?" She stared at Edgar, noticing his eager gaze. She could tell he was expecting a response, "Sure!" A smile played on Colette's lips, even though she did not know what she was signing up for.

Edgar's eyes crinkled, and he turned back to unloading the merchandise with a little more pep in his step. Colette looked back down at her desk, staring at a clipboard beneath her with a list of the shop's inventory. As she began to check items off the list, eyeing the items that Edgar was unloading, she heard footsteps outside the door and a bell ring as it slowly creaked open.

She instantly noticed the creature from the shadow they cast on the gift shop's linoleum floors. Her eyes brightened in a split second, and she jumped out of her chair, dropping the clipboard with a loud plop. "It's . . . It's you!!"

The cactus looked at her, their wide smile wavering, as if they were scared of Colette as she neared him. Edgar exchanged glances with either of them, a bit bewildered. "Do you two know each other?" He said, a slight shake in his tone.

Colette ignored his question, stars in her eyes as she stared at the cactus. "You're mine!!" She exclaimed, and suddenly bolted toward the cactus, holding out her arms in a hug. The cactus, seeing the almost crazed look on her face, ran towards Edgar before she could come any closer, hiding behind him.

Colette's smile dwindled, "Are you there, cactus?" She cupped her hands over her mouth, calling out to the cactus. Edgar raised an eyebrow, his expression less bright and more reserved than it was before. He promptly but gently picked up the cactus and walked out the door, setting it outside before closing it shut.

"Colette," He began, "I can't have you terrorizing customers at this time. We have work to do, and Spike is obviously terrified of you."

"Wait! His name is Spike? No way!!" Colette was in hysterics, prancing around the shop without a care in the world as her mind drifted to the clouds. "How do you know him?? Can you tell me more about him? Please, please please!"

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