Brawl Stars Short Story #3 - Shelly x Piper (Part 2)

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Smoke gathered at Shelly's feet as she eyed the terrain of northern Canal Grande. Colt masterfully flaunted his guns as he stood beside her, spinning them about his fingers after pulling them from their holsters. On the other hand, Spike, cute as ever, emptily surveyed the arena himself, his black eyes trailing over the violet grasses and pristine white columns across the canal. He remained nonchalant, his trademark smile immobile as his grip tightened on the needle grenades he held as his side.

The sound of shuffling reverberated from the opposite side of the stadium and clouds began to further themselves from the arena as Piper sashayed past the entrance, Nani and Colonel Ruffs flanking her by either side. Light washed over the crew just as Piper flashed Shelly a cheeky smile, and Shelly's stomach fluttered.

Spike and Colt exchanged nervous glances. The two of them hadn't had much time to plan, but they nonetheless believed that Shelly had something up her sleeve. How could she not? She was so infatuated with Piper that the single mention of her name made her heart skip a beat. Surely she had some sort of trump card that could haul their team to the sweet hymn of victory.

Shelly was drawing a blank.

What had she done the night before? All that she could recall was through a vague, blurred screen. She chuckled nervously, her gaze flitting around the canal. She spotted a patch of bushes from the left of the map, shielded by a few white columns. Could she somehow use that area for cover, sending bursts of bullets from the right as a surprise attack?

Her train of thought was cut off by Colonel Ruffs thunderous voice, which shook nearly half of the arena. "Good luck!" He bellowed, pulling up his right hand in a salute.

Piper held a hand over mouth, giggling. "You'll need it," she chirped.

Shelly frowned, unsheathing her token pistol from its holder. Her eyes narrowed and she firmly positioned it in front of herself, her demeanor rigid. "Yeah, right." She breathed.

"Ha, we won't lose to the likes of you!" Colt interjected, nudging Shelly in the shoulder. He felt a pang of guilt rise in his throat as he eyed the uncertainty in Shelly's gaze. As an act of reassurance, he clicked his tongue, giving Shelly finger guns. "You got this, Shell." Colt patted her on the back. Spike caught on and nodded along, shooting her a quick thumbs-up. He then lurched back, aiming his needle grenade forward.

A horn suddenly blared across Canal Grande and just like that, the game had begun.

Spike was the first to move. He floundered ahead, waddling into the frey of violet grass as he methodically threw his balls of spikes on the other side of the canal, their needles flying about in curved motions. Colt followed suit, scurrying to the center nearly as soon as Spike had moved, and using his signature silver bullet gadget to clear out a row of bushes.

Nani had expected such a strategy. She skillfully crept up from behind Colt, locking onto his chest as she unleashed her three light orbs. Colt's mouth went ajar, and he reeled back, his boots skidding on the concrete. He managed to dodge two of the orbs, but the third pierced his leg and he screamed in pain.

"Hey! Watch it!" Colt whimpered. He bolted around and shot a barrage of bullets at Nani, who was caught off guard. As quick as she could, Nani ran to the bushes but bumped into Spike. Colt's bullets connected, soaking up almost all of the life that was left of her, causing Nani to fall back into the violet grasses. A torrent of spikes nonchalantly released from Spike's needle grenade were all it took to finish the robot off.

"My mistake," She vanished right in front of Spike's eyes.

"Alright!" Colt exclaimed, reaching down to pat Spike on his head. "Great work, Spike!" Even in the midst of Colt's rapid panting, he managed to flash Spike a grin from ear to ear. Naturally, Spike returned the smile.

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