Brawl Stars Short Story #3 - Shelly x Piper (Part 1)

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At dusk, Barley's Bar was bustling with activity as brawlers from far and wide tread through its bronze-clad doors. The bar had recently been refurbished so that now its wood columns were polished in a glossy sheen and the tables were reordered in a symmetrical fashion. Barley grimaced beside his vast shelves of liquor and juices, running his hands along the side of the counter as he reluctantly poured Shelly another beer.

Unlike the other patrons, Shelly and Colt had been in the bar since last night. What Barley could most vividly remember was the sight of Colt lugging her inside, slinging her arm across his shoulder. At that time, Shelly's figure had been littered in gashes and bruises, her yellow scarf nearly torn to shreds and pistol brandished over her shoulder.

Barley couldn't remember what persuaded the two customers to stay all night, as Shelly was in no condition to drink. He could only recall what Colt had told him after he set Shelly down near the counter.

He'd whispered, "I wanted to teach her how to play Bounty, but I didn't know that we'd get creamed by Piper and her crew . . . And to make matters worse, Shelly's smitten!"

Colt's claims proved to be fairly true. Since they arrived, Shelly had passed out from exhaustion several times after blubbering admirably about a beautiful silhouette of golden blonde. The fact that Shelly believed her heart to be "pierced by a glowing bullet" only furthered Colt's narrative. Given no more context than that, Barley resigned to patiently waiting for them to leave as he scrubbed at the new chalices he'd ordered for the bar.

With little regard to herself, Shelly leaned back onto her stool and downed another beer. When she closed her eyes, though for but a second, everything that had happened the night before came rushing back to her in lucid detail.

She saw Piper plodding along the rough terrain of Canal Grande, gunbrella held over her shoulder as Colonel Ruffs and Nani stood at her side. She remembered charging her super after fighting Nani, and using her gadget to quickly pivot in Piper's direction, loading her pistol and aiming it thoughtlessly at her chest.

And, most remarkably, she remembered gawking as Piper sailed above her, blowing her a kiss before she masterfully dropped four grenades at Shelly's feet and blew her to bits.

Shelly's face went red.

She slammed her now empty beer down onto its coaster, rocking the table in her wake. Her slate-purple hair was somewhat undone and her eyes looked as if they held large black bags underneath.

"I have a problem," she proclaimed adamantly. Her voice was so thunderous that Colt, who sat beside her, slightly inched away, laughing nervously.

He eyed her warily before scratching idly at his neck. "What's up?" A bead of sweat ran down his forehead, illuminated by the flickering reflection of Barley's plaque.

Shelly cupped her hands and stared at the counter for a moment. When she gazed up at Colt, he could see that her eyes were brimming with tears. "I think I met the love of my life," Shelly shed a tear. "But I can't talk to her. She's terrifying!"

Colt tapped his chin. After some thought, he turned around, leaning his elbow on the bar's counter. His eyes flashed confidently in the waning light of the bar. "Relationship advice, you say?" Colt patted her on the shoulder, "No worries. You asked the right guy. The best thing to do is find her and ask her how she's doing. Hey, you can even give her a present, too! Try to be as charming as possible. And-" Colt's voice became as low as a whisper. "Maybe, just maybe, you can invite her to brawl with us again."

Shelly grinned at the thought of seeing Piper again, envisioning her wispy blonde hair shining in the light of the sun. However, her grin quickly shifted to a grimace as the sound of Piper's gunbrella shots reverberated in her brain. She flinched, "But what if she kills me?"

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