Brawl Stars Short Story #2 - Leondy

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In a place, somewhere far away from whatever was normal, a lonely boy lay sprawled on the grass in the midst of twilight, the stars reflected in his droopy eyes. He reached up to the sky, longing for such magnificent light to reach him on the ground, dulling out any sensation of cold and emptiness he knew so well. He heard a sound, so hollow though familiar.

"Sandy, what's wrong?" A form of violet and brown flew around him, its essence blending into the confines of the horizon. They perched above him, their shape somewhat ethereal and translucent. Sandy narrowed his eyes in not a profound sense of disgust but rather a fear of the past. Long had he tried to bury what lay behind him, but it always came flowing back to him, on days like these, where he had nothing but himself and his thoughts to confide in.

"Go away," He said reluctantly, his eyes trailing to the grass. He watched the blades move back and forth in the faint, evanescent breeze.

"Why? I'll always be here, y'know. Friends and your so-called family . . . In the end, you won't tell them anything. You'll always come back to me." The figure replied smugly, their silhouette lapping over Sandy's view of the stars and dimming him of the view of the moon. The world plunged further into darkness.

"I . . . I don't need you." He replied, his voice wavering.

"Hah," The figure chuckled, their violet eyes leering over Sandy in a bright, glaring sheen. "I'm starting to think that you like seeing me. No one else can fill in the empty space you try so hard to hide, yes? How pathetic."

"No," Sandy mumbled. His body trembled, and he scratched at his neck, refusing to look up as the sky dulled further. He seemed as if he was more so trying to convince himself of the fact, but the figure nonetheless furrowed their brows in interest.


"I've found someone," Sandy pleaded. "I don't know what I see in him, but, when I'm around him, I forget about everything. I never worry, never think about anyone else . . . It's just me and him, him and me." A sudden warmth made its way to his cheeks, and Sandy's eyes suddenly glazed over, as if he were recalling past moments. The beginnings of a smile played on his cheeks, and the view around him brightened, if only for an instant. He felt warm.

"So? What then?" The figure gloated, "You won't let them in. Even you know that." Their eyes glinted further, and, for a second, Sandy felt as if they bore through him. "Of course, you're nothing without me. Without me, you're dead. He's just an obsession . . . I'm a given."

Sandy paused for a moment. He glanced at the moon, which he could vaguely make out behind the dark shroud of the figure. Its shine was welcoming, promising. "Maybe," He murmured, "Maybe I'm nothing. But you lost the right to tell me whether or not I'm worth something the moment you left me, mom."

The figure's features suddenly darkened. Their piercing violet eyes waned, the colorless sheen of their silhouette fading along with the curtain of stars behind them until all that remained was a black, empty screen.

Just like that, Sandy woke up.

In the seconds prior, he'd been peacefully sleeping on Leon's shoulder. They were seated in the living room of Leon's house, and as Leon clicked away on his GameBoy, he couldn't help but notice as Sandy trembled in his arms.

"Sandy??" He held him by the shoulders, shaking him awake. "Is everything all right?"

"Huh?" Sandy croaked, drool oozing from his chin. His eyes, half-open, swept from Leon's face to the TV, and then back to Leon. "What- Why am I here?" He adjusted his gaze to the faint shine of the porcelain lights hanging above them.

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