Brawl Stars Short Story #5 - Another Colgar!

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Edgar lay peacefully on his bed as light peeked through the crevices of the half-open shades beside him and washed him in gold. Mouth ajar, his loud snores filtered the sharp silence about his room. His hands were sprawled atop his blanket which was decorated in the Bad Randoms band logo, his airpods still plugged into his ears. His feet jut out from the edges of his bed, brushing against a large spread of El Primo that lay below him.

His slumber was interrupted by the noise of the door abruptly creaking open. Colette, as if a raging storm, bolted inside of the room, knocking over a few MCR posters. As she skid to a stop and stood above him, her pearly white hair fell over her shoulder as she erratically tapped at his cheek, inches away from his face.

"Edgar!" She piped, dancing on her toes. Edgar stirred in his sleep, his snores becoming shallow. She probed further, her fingers digging into his shirt as she pulled him off of his pillow and shook him awake. "Edgar!" She repeated, her whispers turning into thunderous calls. "Edgar!! Wake up!"

Edgar groggily craned his neck forward, falling into Colette's chest. He rubbed at his eyelids and slowly pried them open in spite of their heaviness. His wavering gaze trailed to the right and left of him as he let out a small groan until he met the eyes of Colette.

She leaned over him, so close that Edgar could hear her breathing, seeing the rise and fall of her chest. Her lips were parted, eyebrows furrowed in anticipation. She smelled of glue and paint, and Edgar couldn't help but notice that their lips were inches away from one another.

His face flushed red, and with a single, bracing motion of his hand, he gently pushed Colette away from him, his wrinkled obsidian eyes now alert. Hands shoving the covers away from his chest, he ran a hand through his hair, his mouth agape.

"C-Colette?!" He yelped, but his voice softened once he noticed the alarmed look on her face. "What are you doing here? It's-" Edgar paused, looking to his side. He spotted the alarm clock on his desk, beside the rumpled bed. "It's six in the morning."

Colette blinked, unfazed. Cupping her hands together, her flowery demeanor remained as she beamed at Edgar. "Oh Edgar," she tilted her head as if in thought. "You're such a dum-dum."

She bent over, completely disregarding Edgar's personal space, and squished his right cheek playfully. It took everything in Edgar's being to not react as his blush deepened. He felt the urge to push her away once again, but something inside told him not to. Of course, Colette didn't understand what she was doing. She acted like this with every brawler, and it was not like she shared his feelings.


"Didn't you hear?" Colette continued, snapping Edgar out of his reverie. She covered hands over her mouth and spoke into Edgar's ear, as if someone were watching them. "We've been given a secret mission by Griff himself!! Are you following?" She waved a hand in front of Edgar's face.

"Griff? Mission?" said Edgar, dumbfounded. He was not following. Staring into the distance at nothing in particular, he tried to imagine someone as scrupulous and firm as Griff ordering him and Colette on a mission. His boss only had money on his mind, and it showed, not only through his many attempts to steal their tips.

"Well of course!" Colette playfully grabbed Edgar by the shoulder so that he was upright. "Our mission is . . ." She dug into her pocket and thrust out a picture of Piper curtsying as other brawlers exploded in the background. "This!"

Edgar rubbed his eyes, "Uh. A photograph?"

"No, silly! It's who's in the photograph." She nudged Edgar, rolling her eyes. He said nothing, squinting at the photo as if it were some foreign object. "Piper!" Colette spoke after a moment, "We have to follow her! Griff's told me that we don't have enough merch of her at the gift shop - and she's a fan-favorite, ya know - so we gotta do some research on her! Find out what makes her tick, so we can design something for Griff to sell! We'll be making millions in no-time!" Colette spun around. She spread her hands as if a hawk, overjoyed.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2021 ⏰

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