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"Wow, this is gorgeous... and fancy. I never thought the Irish car would like a place like this one..."

"I don't know if I should feel offended by your tone of voice," I joke laughing while Iselen looks around curiously.

"Is Owen running this nightclub? Is it safe for us to be here?" she whispers while we follow Moina who's trying to open a way elbowing the crowd away so we can reach our private booth, Glenna and Erin are walking behind us along with my girl's bodyguard and they all keep their eyes wide open looking for possible threats although I'm not expecting problems tonight.

"Well, actually, a spoiled brat from the Upper East Side is the owner but he spent most of daddy's money in the fancy decoration, when his father cut off his funds shocked by the expensive bills, Owen told him he'd become a silent partner funding the opening and the boy would be the public face of the club... and he also turns the blind eye to the drug dealing. To be honest, that daddy's boy is really happy with the situation, he knows his clients were going to snort coke in the restroom anyways, but having Owen as a partner means they do it safely with a high quality supply and the club is a great success... they're both making lot of money. This is our table..."

Iselen sits down cautiously since she's wearing a very short black dress and doesn't feel like showing her panties to all those men sitting on stools around the bar counter that are looking at her entranced. The truth is that I also was speechless when I saw her coming out of our bedroom one hour ago, walking with the graceful movements of a gazelle on her high stilettos, her makeup highlighted her stunning eyes and flawless cheekbones and her hair up showed a big area of soft skin on her neck and nape. My girlfriend opened her mouth wide in shock when she saw me standing in the middle of the living room wearing a smart black suit with satin lapels and we both whispered "you look beautiful" at the same time before bursting into laughing and kissing each other.

"I understand why this club is a gold mine, it's gorgeous... It feels like we're inside fancy train cars, only much bigger, with a ceiling made of fine wood, comfortable leather and velvet couches, those mirrors, the golden ornaments on the counter, the crystal lamps... It feels like having a drink in an Orient Express car but with a dance floor at the back of the room." Iselen shakes her head, mesmerized, while taking another look around. "I've never been in a club like this before..."

"Actually, you're right, boss consort: the Irish car prefers to go to Jasmine and Pilar's pub, usually, for burgers and beers... this place's packed with wealthy spoiled brats..." Moina scrunches her nose putting her arm over Glen's shoulders. "But we all crave a treat sometimes and this is the first time I see my girl all dressed up... You look beautiful."

"Flatterer..." Glenna elbows her side but smiles happily.

"I promised Iselen that we'd have fun after leaving Bayview enjoying everything New York can offer... I refuse to stay locked in our house because of that rat..." I growl angrily while raising my hand to call the waitress. To be honest, I decided to invite her out for a date because I was worried since we've lived through some difficult situations lately and the atmosphere is too tense around us. I promised her some time to rest, have fun and relax together but we had a shooting, the prosecutor trying to bribe her, a rat that's hiding while her bodyguards follow her wherever she goes... I'm scared this is all too much for her and she decides to go back to Spain... and that would be a problem because I can't live without her. I need Iselen to be happy with me and will do whatever necessary.

"Is there any new information?" Patrick asks while monitoring the surroundings, he's not here to drink and relax but to protect my precious Spanish girl while Ronan watches our car in the parking lot.

"No, nothing, whoever they are, they cover their tracks perfectly. Owen is checking if someone has called or sent a weird email from one of the Company's phones or computers but it's difficult because there're hundreds... I asked Adara to check our cousin's possessions again to find something useful but she's too busy with the baby now..."

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