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Leader: Tornstar - A pure white she-cat with green eyes, has a scarred left side of her face|None

Deputy: Windpetal - A gray tabby she-cat with blue eyes|Can be able to create a strong current of wind

Medicine cat: Whispersong - A slender black and white tom with green eyes|Can be able to read minds


Ashtail - A long furred gray and white tom with blue eyes|His fur can generate loads of ashes that he can use for camouflage or to simply hide from his enemies


Beestripe - A light ginger she-cat with green eyes|Can be able to avoid all detection from just about anyone


Blossomfall - A pretty tortoiseshell she-cat with green eyes|Can be able to produce hallucinations

Cherryleap - A pretty calico she-cat with green eyes|Able to jump longer in longer places

Finchfang - A light brown tabby she-cat with blue eyes|Has a very powerful bite

Gorseleap - A golden yellow tabby she-cat with amber eyes|Has a super durable body when falling from high places or getting into a fight


Hickorystrike - A slim long furred brown tabby tom with blue eyes|Can be able to sense danger wherever he is

Pebbleheart - A short gray tom with blue eyes|Can be able to intact broken bones, though hurting during the process of doing so



Leopardpaw - A golden spotted she-cat with green eyes|Unknown

Lightpaw - A yellow and white tabby she-cat with blue eyes|Unknown

Bearpaw - A dark brown tom with amber eyes|Has super strength

Duskpaw - A patched blue-gray and black tom with amber eyes|Able to teleport from short distances, going any longer will severely hurt him


Leafshadow - A long furred brown and white tabby she-cat with green eyes|Can be able to change her eye colors whenever seasons change (ie. Green for Newleaf, icy blue for Leafbare, amber for Leaffall, and yellow-green for Greenleaf)

Hopkit, Mottlekit, and Minnowkit


Nighttalon - A pitch black tom with hazy yellow eyes, is blind on both eyes|None

Needleclaw - A slim tan she-cat with green eyes, is deaf in one ear|None

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