comeback + debut

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The next morning:-

Ahn jong's pov -

Hmm good morning to me ,it's the first day with exo I will have to go  to the dance room today. I will reach there early to spend some time with my crush . Now let me see the time

*looks at the watch and screams*

fuck it ,fuck this situation god please fuck my life aaaaaaaaaaaa suho said us to arrive on 6: 30 and it's fucking 6:10 already weaoooo I hate my life let me go and get ready
After 5 mins :-
Sky's outfit

 fuck it ,fuck this situation god please fuck my life aaaaaaaaaaaa suho said us to arrive on 6: 30 and it's fucking 6:10 already weaoooo I hate my life let me go and get ready After 5 mins :-Sky's outfit

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I still have 15 mins and I can reach there by 6:25 exact
End of the pov *in dance room*

Sky:hi kai

Kai: oh hi sky you are looking rocking today ,anyways I have never seen you wearing so boyish clothes

Sky: yeah I know because when we were performing ,it was a romantic song so I had wear those ball dresses which I hated a lot

Kai: oh really

*Chanyoel comes in *

Chan: hi everybodyyyyyyy

Sky: hi chan well where is suho

Chan: well he will be late today he called me and said that he will come at 7 or 7:30

Sky: OK

Almost all the members arrived except

*Exo starts doing there weird but cute things *

Sky:oo guys stop making me laugh look I am panting stop it chanyoel don't try that

*Chan fell with a big thud*

Sky:hahahha sorry chan I laughed . Come on get up

*Suddenly suho came in*

Suho: guys stop all these idiotic thing , don't you feel ashamed that there is a girl who is watching all these things

Sky:don't worry I am one of them , I also do these things

Suho: well sky won't you mind if test your rapping,singing and dancing skills

Sky : no I won't mind

Suho: OK guys let's do a test of sky

Exo:OK let's goooo

*Everyone settled down and took there seats*

Suho: OK sing something

Sky: *starts singing senorita*

Kai: woahhh you have a pretty husky and deep voice while singing

Suho: you got 10/10 good now what about rapping

Sky:*starts rapping Chan's rap from the song monster in English*

Chan: wowww I love it it was fast yet clean and clear to hear too lovely

Suho: 10/10 but why in English only?

Sky:no actually I am more comfortable in English rapping

Suho: OK now some dance

Kai: no ,no need of that I know she dances beautifully

Suho: but still-

Sky:no problem I will dance for him if he wants

Suho:that's the spirit

Sky:*dances break dance on look what you made me do*

Suho:woahhhhhh man it was lit

Kai:bro bro control your excitement

Sky:am I accepted now

Suho:you were already it was just a formality . OK guys any one have any idea for the concept for the comeback and debut

Sky:I have a idea though

Exo: what

Sky:*sky improvised her idea*

Suho: wow that's a great idea let's show this to sm-pd

In the office room:-

Sm-pd: who thought of this idea *said furiously*

Sky:*said while looking down* I -i sir why is it wrong

Sm-pd:wow this the best concept idea ever for exo, I approve this.

Exo:yes sky you got approval man

Sky:yeah , what I did  got approved *and hugged suho*

Back to the dance room:-

Suho:now sky tell us what we should do next

Sky:I think suho,beak,d.o ,Chen and xiumin are going to write the lirycs,

and please make it unisex so that I can sing too.

And me , kai ,lay and sehun we are going to help the choreographer for dance

and chanyoel is going to write the rap and I will divide the rap line for me and chanyoel .

And yes if you  are any day free  just help out with Korean and  Korean tradition

Exo:we can do it ,we are one

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