hybe collaboration

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Sky: ok suho don't say anything to anyone

Suho: ok I will not say

*at the dance room*

Kai: hi my - I-mean our dance monster

Sky: stop it, please

Manager: suho, sm PD is calling you

Suho: ok

*After few seconds, *

Manager: sky suho is calling you. I don't know but how many times do I have to just run of the office to your dance room in a day. Be honest with anything happened have you guys done something

Sky: no we haven't done anything. ok I am coming

*in the office*

Sky: what happened do you want the papers now or what??

Sm PD: no, but exo got a collaboration request

Sky: oo from whom

Sm pd: from hybe or big hit entertainment

Sky: oooooh, wait!! What??

Suho: and I selected BTS for the collaboration so what say

Sky: you select whom

Suho: bts

Sky: wait I can't believe, I will share stage with RM

suho: and why can't you believe

Sky: he is my bais

Suho: what!! I mean ooo nice n-nice choice

Sky: thanks bro

Suho: thanks what!!???

Sm pd : she said bro isn't it nice suho

Suho: yeah maybe

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