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*while driving to the practice room with chan and beak*

Sky: I can't wait to meet RM like he is soooooo.... Cool man his thoughts and my match a lot

Chan: make sure that you don't get confused between Kai and RM

Sky: I won't, you idiot

*at the dance room*

Suho: no no you say

RM: no no you can say it no issues

Suho: no you say it you are taller than me

RM: no you announce you debuted earlier than me

Sky: guys you have been doing this for 2hrs now, hajima (stop it) please. Give me I will say it what you have to say

RM: ok sky you do it

Sky: thank you, sir

Sky: ok so....... Welcome everyone to the new temporary practice room of EXO and BTS we will learn the dance here and also have fun, but today we are directly not going to start with choreography but with making coordination with each other and knowing each other well so today no practice only fun. So have leisure today
Your RM

Suho: you are a good speechwriter aren't you and that to you wrote it in English, and let's just not talk about sky's pronunciation

Sky: why?? Was that bad

Suho: no idiot, it was amazing

Sky: thanks

RM: Well as it was written, we are only going to have fun alright

Everyone: ok

Suga: hi you are sky right

Sky: yeah

Suga: well I saw your legendary dance fancam. It was amazing like the music was fast but you nailed it, girl

Sky:*with a soft smile* thanks

Sugar: but still I don't believe in your dance

Sky: are you saying that I don't know how to dance

Suga: no I didn't mean that but you know I want to see how fast you can dance

Sky: sure, well to prove you I will dance on your rap

Suga: which one augst-d

Sky: no that's not fast enough I guess dweachita will be good

Suga: no I don't think so

Sky: just sing or play that song

Suga: ok I will play it for you

Sky: * danced on dweachita *

Suga: woah girl you're so good at it, man you should teach it to me. You are really good at freestyleing aren't you

Sky: sure I will

RM: guys I have an amazing activity for you all come on all.

Everyone: ok coming

RM: ok so the game is about to tell us how you were discriminated against or hated. Let me start first, so I was hated for my look. My friends used to call me poisonous mushroom

Sky: well if you are a poisonous mushroom then I am so down to eat you

RM: * flustered* sky you know that was flirtatious

Sky: I know sir but I was not talking to you like professionals but I was talking to you like a fan

RM: oooh ok but what did you just call me

Sky: sir why is there any problem

RM: don't call me sir, you can call me joonie

Sky: ok joonie

RM: well on what basis you were discriminated against.

Sky: umm I was discriminated against because I am a mixed-race, I am an orphan and of course, I am a girl who has the potential like boys I mean whenever I try to get into a car club the guys will OoOOOOoooo yoU aRE a GiRl WhAT YoU KnOw ABout CaRs

RM: awww it's ok

Sky: nothing is ok *sniffs*  well did someone just opened a bottle of sprite

J-hope: yeah I did

Sky: ok can I have some, please

J-hope: yeah sure

Jimin: hey you never gave me your sprite then how did you gave it to her

J-hope: she is like my sis,you see ones for a sprite I pushed my sister into water and-

Jimin: what!!!????  Is she ok, is she alive

J-hope: bro she is alive and healthy, anyway I pushed into the toddler's pool

Jimin: well what do you think of me.

J-hope: you are like my brother

Jimin: so would you just give me your sprit-

J-hope: get out of here now, you are not getting any

Everyone: hahhahahahhahhahahahhahaha

Kai: well guys can I go to the washroom

Suho: yeah sure

In the restroom:-

Kai's pov:

*punches his hands on the wall of the bathroom *

Why why, why ahhhhaahhhh I hate everyone

???: Kai can you please come out fast

Kai: no I can't get out now * yells and opens the door at the same time*

Sky: why did you yelled at me

Kai: I am sorry sky I am really sorry

Sky: it's ok but your hands I guess you hurt yourself *grabs his hand*  D.O
Can you bring the first aid

Kai pov:

Ahhhahhhh my heart it's beating like a super-fast car I am getting butterflies in my stomach

RM: here sky take, well why do you need the fast aid anyways

Sky: thanks joonie *smiled* look Kai hurt himself. Show me your hands let me put the bandage on it

Kai: thanks

Sky: no issues sweetie- I - I mean kai it's ok

RM: ok I am going

Sky: no I have to talk to you about the rap lines

RM: OK  come with me

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