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After one month:-

Kai's pov

Aaaa I can't forget that moment when sky  told suho that she will dance for him.

Why ,like why only dance for him and also when she was telling everyone the concept see kept on looking at suho and didn't even looked at me aaaaa and after seeing her dance suho was trying to flirt with her whyyyy and she even hugged suho AAA she is mine mine and mine  .

It's been a month since she joined the band ,she even made friends with chan and beak and treats D.O ,Chen ,lay and xiumin as her older bros and sehun as her younger brother and what about me ahhhhhh life is so frustrating.

Anyways today I will get some time alone with her so I will try my best to make friendship with her.today we are finally going to help in choreography . In the dance room there will be only me and sky and lay and sehun ,OK I will make time.

In the dance room:-

Choreographer:hi everyone

Sky:hi sir

Sehun:hi sir


Lay: anyonghasseo

Choreographer:boys why did you brought this girl here

Kai:oo she is the new member sm-pd was talking about . She is sky and she is the main dancer

Choreographer: ooooo well why are you here

Sky: *with a soft smile* to help you as  they are going to do

Choreographer: I don't need help from a female

Sehun:sir how can you say that you are the choreographer of a female band sir

Choreographer:yeah but they never tell me what to do and anyways girls and boys dance are different you know girls dance is sexy and hot and boys dance is rocking

Sky: but sir how dance is different for male and female

Choreographer:cause you girls can't do some certain steps

Sky:*in a angry voice* tell me steps let me show you what I can do-

Choreographer: you know what get out you are making the room smell like makeup

Sehun:*gets his colors* how dare you-

Sky:you know what you are making the room smell like ass because you are an asshole *with a lot of anger and sadness she left the room*

Outside the room :-

Suho:hey is the choreography done

Sky:*ignores and walks into a empty room*

Suho:*runs after her *hey wait what happened

*Other members also left the dance room and ran after her *


Suho:* grabs her by her shoulders *
don't cry tell me what happened
*other members also enters*

Sehun:*improvised the happening in the dance room*

Chan: I am not going to leave that bitch

Sky:where is Kai

Kai: I am here

Sky:why didn't you said anything ,why. lay was giving him death glare ,sehun got violent and I grounded that bitch , what about you what did you do huh

*punches him on the shoulder*
even suho came and handled me but what did you do huh tell me

Kai:*looking down*i am sorry

D.o:  stop it and complaint about him before  he does it

*Suddenly manager comes in*

Manager:hi guys ,well you got a complaint from the choreographer about sehun and sky, so guys you have to go to the office right now

Sky:yeah I am going

Exo:we are coming too

In the office:-

Sm-pd:so what did you said to him sky

Sky:listen to me whatever I said was the truth

Sm-pd:oooo jinjja comparing someone  with asshole is right

Sky:OK then  how the hell would he stereotype all the girls as make up

Sm-pd:what , Mr.lee(choreographer) what is she talking about

Sehun:sir you don't even know the whole matter *tells everything*so that's all what happened

Sm-pd:Mr Lee get out . And yes you are fired. Sorry guys you can go back your work

Outside the office room:-
Suho:you know what it is first time in forever when he actually protected us

exo:yeah *everyone was celebrating about that *

Kai:listen to me sky I am sorry

Sky:don't show me your face please everyone did something but you did nothing so please just don't talk to me

Kai:I am sorry please

*Chan overheard your conversation*

Chan:sky let's have a party at your place

Sky: aaand why

Chan: just a House party

Sky:OK tell everyone a pizza house party at my place

End of the house party:-

Chan: I will stay

Sky: OK help with dishes then


In the kitchen:-

Sky:how was the food

Chan:nice,well I have a question do you love kai be honest


Chan:I have proof  for that , you
actually hoped kai to take a stand for you in the dance room incident that's why you scolded him after that ,and while playing truth and dare in the party I asked you for your phone as a dare ,well your phone was filled with the screen shots of Kai's pics . So what does that means.huh

Sky:well ummm......... I love him more than my freaking life . But I am scared to confess him

Chan: it's OK but listen to me.  in front of him just be yourself because that's his ideal type . Like you know that badassness, savageness and boyish look and your dull and suspicious voice ,he loves those things and especially he would love you if you are straight forward

Sky: means I have stay the way I am
No need to be shy and girly
Chan:no need well I am done with dishes I am going to sleep in that room
Sky:OK good night

Sky's mind:-
I got this I will be myself infront of him

Chan:*screams* are you done sis

Sky: yeah I am coming

In the bed room:-

Sky: bro move out of bed

Chan: weaoo

Sky:I will sleep on the bed and you will sleep on the floor

Chan:no way

Sky: *kicks him out of the bed and sleeps*
listen bro the other blanket is on the sofa if you want you can sleep there well jalja (sleep well in Korean)

Chan: how can I jalja if I sleep on the sofa

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