• Chapter 11 •

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I was in the middle of writing my essay and I was struggling. I had been sitting at my desk for the past hour and only had 300 out of 1000 words typed. I have such a love/hate relationship with English. I looked at the screen one more time before shutting my laptop and flopping onto my bed. I'll work on it later. I flipped onto my back and checked my phone. Nothing. No text messages, no social media notifications, not even a game alert. It was as if my social life was at it's highest and then BAM! A tsunami came and washed it all away. Stupid tsunamis.

I sat up and walked over to my bookcase. Books were crammed neatly into the shelves. I scanned through them, but sadly I had read every book at least three times. "I need new books." My phone rang and I jumped onto my bed to answer it. Four.

"Dear lord save me from death by boredom."

"Haha, I'm guessing you finished your paper."

"Not even close."

"Then you might want to do that. I'll leave you to it."

"Wait, what?" 

The line clicked off. That bastard hung up on me. I sat back down at my desk propping one leg up. A text came through on my phone.

Writing your paper now? -F

I hate you. -T

No, you don't. You like me... a lot. -F

You keep telling yourself that. -T

Oh, I will ;) that reminds me. Are you free after school tomorrow? -F

Is this a date?? What happened to slow? -T

I ran out of patience, besides that was a while ago -F

It was literally on Friday -T

Are you free or not? -F

My assistant just got back to me, I can pencil you in after school. -T

Great, I want to show you my favorite spot in Chicago. -F

Okay, I'm suspicious though -T

I put my phone on my desk, curious as to what he had planned.

Hey! So I sincerely apologize for the delay. This is a filler chapter. Definite FOURTRIS next chapter. I'm really excited for you guys to read it. Just a few updates. The first paragraph was an actual scenario that happened to me. Love/Hate relationship with English. My birthday is in two weeks and I have no clue what to do for it but whatever. And that's about it. As always~

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