• Chapter 13 •

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As the final bell rang, I walked out of school and headed towards Eliza's Cafe. It was a book store and coffee shop located downtown and since moving here I went there as much as possible. I walked in and the aroma of coffee and freshly baked pastries filled my nose. Eliza stood at the counter making latte art. When she saw me, she ran around the counter and gave me a hug. "Where have you been hiding? You haven't been here in what feels like forever"

"I told you I was starting school."

"Oh yeah, ew."

Eliza was tall with shimmering green eyes. Her long brown hair was pulled into a french braid with a black headband holding back loose strands. She was one of the first people I met since moving to Chicago. She was only 23 and had one of the most successful cafes in town and she prided herself on that.

"Trust me school is ew. I've been there about a week and a half and already I've surrounded myself with drama."

"Wow that takes skill."

"Trust me I know." Eliza was back at her counter continuing her latte art.

"Can I order?" She looked at me puzzled. "What?"

"I already know your order. Iced Chai and a croissant." I frowned.

"What if I wanted something else?" Eliza huffed.

"Fine. Oh dear beloved customer, what can I get you?"

I smirked. "Iced Chai and a croissant." She squinted her eyes at me, glaring. "Please."

"No wonder there's so much drama surrounding you. You'll be lucky if I don't spit in your drink."

I flipped my hair over my shoulder. "Then no tip." Eliza rolled her eyes. I turned around to face the shop. There was an elderly couple in the corner reading and holding hands. A girl and her mom browsed through books and a man wearing a suit typed away on his laptop. Cars drove by outside and people walked along the streets. I saw a guy in a black jacket cross the street and towards the shop. It didn't take me long to realize it was Four. I turned back towards the counter and cursed under my breath.

"Here. I'd sip carefully." I glared at her before handing her my cash. I heard the door open and footsteps head towards me. Eliza gave me my cash and put a dollar in the tip jar. I looked at her.

"What? You weren't going to so I did it for you." I shook my head in disapproval.

I could feel Four's presence behind me. I grabbed my chai and croissant and started walking to my usual seat making sure to keep my head down.

"Oh Tris," Eliza called. Shit. I turned back around to face her. "I got a new shipment of books if you want to go through them. They're in the back room."

"Okay I'll go look." I looked at Four and he looked back at me. I broke eye contact and dropped my stuff in my seat before heading to the back. I spent twenty minutes "looking through the books", when really I was trying to make sure Four was gone.

I grabbed a stack of books that peaked my interest and walked out of the back room, assuming he was gone. He wasn't. He was sitting in my seat going through one of my notebooks. I slammed the books down on the side table. "What are you doing? Have you never heard of privacy?" I went to grab the notebook out of his hands but he moved it out of reach.

"You have some really good short stories and poems in here." I looked at the notebook he was holding.

"You went through my writing journal. What could have possibly possessed you to go through my stuff?" I was pissed.

"I was talking to the young woman at the counter, you know just chatting, and we got on the topic of writing and she said that you were pretty talented and showed me your notebook." I looked over at Eliza and she smiled like she had done a good deed. I glared at her.

"Eliza is like you. No boundaries apparently. Now give it back." I spat at Four.

"I don't think so. See I have one more poem I would like to read and if you want this back you're going to read it out loud to me." My face showed confusion.
The Boy With The Blue Eyes."

My mouth dropped.

"No way.... It's not even about you." I stuttered. Four smirked.

"I never said it was about me." I glared. He passed me the notebook. I picked my bag off the floor and slung it over my shoulder. I grabbed the notebook out of his hands and read the first line.

"The Boy With The Blue Eyes was an ass." I spat staring down at him. I shoved my notebook in my bag, pivoted and walked out the door. When I was out of view, I started running. My boots pounded against the concrete as I ran as fast I could through the people congesting the sidewalk. I was a good ten minutes to my house when I slowed to a walk. 

As I reached my house, I could see Cara and Caleb sitting on the porch swing chatting away the day. I stepped up onto the porch and was almost in the door when Caleb stopped me. "Why are you all sweaty?"

"Long story." He shrugged.

"By the way you should probably shower, we're going out for dinner."

"Who is we?"

"Mom, Dad, you, Cara, and myself. Dress nice it's apparently a really nice place."



I got out of the shower about an hour later and walked into my room. I went through my closet and found a black high waisted skirt and matching crop top. There was a pair of red wedges buried in the back of my closet that I slipped on. I walked back into the bathroom and blow dried my hair. I left it in a deep side part and then applied makeup. After applying black eyeliner I finished off with some red lipstick to compliment my shoes. I grabbed my clutch and put some touch up make up and my phone in it.

"Beatrice, time to go." I took one last look in the mirror and headed out of my room. I descended the stairs only to see the one person I didn't want to see. Four.

I'm back but only for a short time. I wrote this chapter instead of studying for finals. Whoops. This is a make up chapter and if I have time tonight I'll write another one otherwise you'll have to wait two weeks. One week because of finals and the other because I'm going to California. If you guys know of anywhere that is super fun and interesting to see comment or dm me. That's about it. As always~

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