• Chapter 12 •

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I walked into school the next morning and practically ran to my locker. I was running late and was practically wear pajamas. Fumbling a few times with my lock, I opened the locker door and barely noticed the little piece of paper that fluttered out. I reached down, picked it up, and read it.

Meet me in the parking lot after school.

I smiled. 

"What's up with you?" Will said walking towards me with Christina.

"Apparently Four is taking me to 'his favorite spot' after school." 

They looked at each other nervously. 

"What was that?"

"What was what?" Christina said smiling, trying to lie.

"That look."

"It was nothing." She turned to walk away, Will following behind.

"Chris? Chris? Christina!" She turned around to look at me.

"Fine! He takes girls there to do stuff with." She emphasized the word "stuff".

"Okay, I have morals and boundaries. I'm not worried. Besides, I'm still sticking to just friends." 

I looked down at the note before placing it in my locker and slammed the door shut. "You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm good."


Walking into Calculus, I felt conflicted. I sat down at my desk and his head looked up from his phone. He smiled at me and placed a Chai on my desk.

"What's this for?"

"I figured you were up all night writing your paper you could use a pick-me-up, and I remembered you don't drink coffee."

"That's so sweet. Thank you."

"Are you excited about tonight?"

"Uh, yeah."

He gave me a confused look.

"We don't have to hang tonight if you don't want to."

"No, I do. It's just, people are telling me that you bring other girls to wherever we're going and do stuff with them."

His guilty look flashed on his face. Not a good sign. I felt my shoulders drop.

"I promise it only happened twice, but it was the same person."

My face scrunched.

"I'm not sure I feel comfortable knowing you've fucked some girl at the place we're going to tonight. Maybe we could do it another time."

I looked down at my desk and he turned away from me.


Lunch was extremely uncomfortable. Four and I were sitting at different ends of the table, not daring to look up at each other.

"Well, how about the weather?" Uriah said. Mar smacked the back of his head causing him to wince. "Really Uriah?"

"What? I'm trying to break the tension."

"I'm just going to go sit with my brother and his girlfriend," I said packing my stuff up.

"Tris you don't have to do that." Christina stated.

"I know, but I don't like to put myself in uncomfortable situations. So I'm going to remove myself from this one. See ya guys later."

 I put my bag on my shoulder and walked downstairs to find my brother. I was about to step off the last step but I completely missed it and slipped. I landed right on my butt. "Shit."

"Tris are you okay?" Matthew asked walking over to me.

"I'm fine, thanks."

"You seem off."

"Some drama is happening with some of my friends, so I just didn't want to stick around to watch it unfold."

"You're pretty smart for a blonde." I laughed. 

"I mean I try to be." He laughed at that.

"You can come to sit with me and my friend Nita if you want."

"Thanks, I would like that."

I sat down at the table and Matthew introduced me to Nita. She had warm brown skin and dark hair. Pretty. The two of them were different, but a good different. I turned around and looked up at the loft. Four was leaning over the railing watching me. His eyes were cloudy. We made eye contact and for a second his face softened but hardened again.

Hey guys! So you know I promised Fourtris... well I changed my mind. I think this is going to make my story different from the others. I don't have any new announcements except I've started brainstorming for a new story coming out in the summer. That's about it. As always~

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