Prof. Nobody

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Full name: Ainsley Earthweaver

Nicknames: Prof. Nobody

Date of birth: 27 October 1983

Age: 37

Preferred pronouns: He/her

Species: Tapir

Height: 11'2"

Weight: 665kg

Fur colour: Azalea purple (87)

Eye colour: Vivid green (46), wine red (1), pastel yellow (37)

Likes: Cake decorating, money, exploring national parks/monuments, proper manners, hair

Dislikes: The stars, stuffed animals, napping, tattooed/tattooing vehicles, playing/watching pets play

Element: Water

Family: Unknown

Pack rank: Researcher

Accessories: Pastel yellow (37) collar, sapphire (Sharpie) light-up wristbands

Status: Alive

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