Dr. Corner

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Full name: Kamala Lonevalor

Nicknames: Dr. Corner

Date of birth: 19 May 1951

Age: 70

Preferred pronouns: He/her

Species: Human

Height: 10'5"

Weight: 540kg

Skin tone: Porcelain

Hair colour: Peach (18)

Eye colour: Ultramarine (73), maroon (Winsor & Newton), warm grey (WG3)

Likes: Pet adoption, fungi, shopping, cold things on hot days and hot things on cold days, complaining

Dislikes: Racing cars/watching races, reading, vinyl records, insects, surreal and abstract stuff

Element: Fire

Family: Unknown

Pack rank: Doctor

Accessories: Silver (Sharpie) collar, buttercup yellow (141) light-up wristbands 

Status: Alive

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