Chapter 19

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"Have you found him?" Leon asked Tom after they returned to his office.

"Yes... and No, Sir." Tom replied nervously.

Leon gave Tom an annoyed look. He did not like a vague answer.

"Our men followed him as you instructed but we lost track after he entered the Mir representative office complex. You know how outsiders are not allowed to enter without a proper invitation letter." Tom explained.

Leon nodded, his fingers tapping his desk. "Did you manage to block the news from yesterday?"

"Everything is according to your instruction, Sir. The pictures of you and madam this morning did the trick." Tom smiled widely but Leon had no interest in entertaining Tom.

"You can leave." He dismissed his assistant and shifted his attention back to the papers in front of him, an investigation report he inquired two weeks ago.


"Madam, welcome back." Nadia rushed to open the door for Viola as she noticed Leon's car coming through the gate.

"Thank you, Nadia. I'm sorry for the trouble yesterday." Viola apologized.

"We are just glad to know that you were safe with young master yesterday." Nadia assured her. The twin maids nodded their heads vigorously.

"Did the two of you..." Before Maria could finish her sentence, Aria quickly covered her sister's mouth and gave her a menacing look.

Viola blushed as she remembered the incident from this morning. "I... I am going back to my room." Viola quickly left to avoid any more embarrassment.

After Viola disappeared from her sight, Nadia turned to the twins and gave the younger sibling a big telling-off before returning to the grand hall to continue her inspection. As she carefully checked the display flowers in the hall, she considered giving Tom a call to apologize for calling him at 2 am this morning.

Viola took a long bath to clear her head. Walter is here, in Bellfield. I need to see him. But how? I can't even contact him. Her mind went back to what Leon told her yesterday. He had promised her that he would find Walter for her. Viola doubted that, though. After all, there was no benefit for him to do so. On the contrary, her meeting Walter would rock his image if the media found out.

Viola was both relieved and angry when she saw the news on her way home. There was an article about six guards assaulting a man in front of Uni Infinitus building where the daughter-in-law of Ian Oliver was involved in, but the story was totally buried by a larger scoop, covering the notoriously media-shy Leonard Oliver and his newly wedded bride's early morning PDA on the same street, followed by an impressive amount of their intimate photos.

Viola touched her neck. Another Leon's PR trick. Sitting inside the huge tub, Viola rested her chin on her knees and looked down to the bubbles. Did he say sorry because he used her again? Or did he say sorry because of what he said this morning? Viola leaned back and closed her eyes. Stupid Leon.

The next morning, Viola returned to the same spot where she met Walter the day before. She was not there to meet Walter or Leon. Her main interest was the florist across the street. As she stood in front of the shop, Viola was excited to see flowers she had never seen before. She carefully examined the freshly cut flowers displayed in different kinds of metal pots and was so engrossed in studying them she did not realize someone was coming out from the shop.

"Good morning. Can I help you?" A gentle voice called her.

Viola looked up and saw a woman in her late forties smiling at her.

"Oh... umm... good morning." Viola smiled. "My name is Viola. I... I was wondering if you are looking for a helper in your shop."

"A... helper? Are you looking for a job?" The florist lady asked.

Viola nodded. The florist lady looked at Viola. She looks familiar, she thought.

"I... I like plants. I'll do my best to help you in anything." Viola tried to convince the lady.

"Can you start today?" The lady asked.


"We are short of people now. So, can you start today?" The lady asked again, smiling.

"Yes! Yes, thank you so much!"

"We can only pay 1,000 Bells per hour though. Is that alright?"

Viola nodded happily. She did not know whether the pay was good or not. She was just happy she found a job.

"Good. Follow me." The lady led Viola inside the shop. "You came at the right time. We just received an order this morning."


A young man and a young woman were sitting face to face inside a coffee shop located two blocks away from the florist. A flower bouquet was sitting on the table between them.

"Ma... dam?" The young man could not believe his eyes.

"Hi...Tom. Nice seeing you here haha." Viola laughed awkwardly.

"What... are you doing here?" Tom turned his eyes to the beautifully arranged flowers in front of him. A mix of soft pink and white in colors.

"I am working now actually. Is this for your wife? Girlfriend?" Viola tried to change the subject.

"Working? Does Mr. Oliver know about this?" Tom's face turned pale. He did not hear the later question.

"No, I didn't tell him." Viola looked away, scratching her head.


"Tom, I'm just... working. Leon won't prohibit me from working, will he?"

"Madam, that's not the case here. Mr. Oliver is worried..."

Tom's phone rang. He saw Leonard Oliver name on the screen.

"It's Mr. Oliver!" Tom panicked.

"You two talk, I'm leaving. I've got other things to do at the shop." Viola got up from her seat while Tom was still gathering the courage to answer the phone.

"Oh, and thank you for your patronage, Tom." Viola smiled at him before making her way to the entrance.

"Wait! Madam!" Tom went after Viola, carrying the bouquet on his hand.

"What is it?" Viola asked.

Tom presented the flower to Viola. "For you."

Viola was taken aback. "For... me?"

"Just take it, Madam. I need to answer Mr. Oliver now." Tom shoved the flowers to Viola and picked up the call and ran out. "Yes, Sir! Tom here. I'm actually..."

Viola was left confused. What in the world...

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