Chapter 27

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"We didn't do anything." Viola explained.

"It's fine, Madam. You are newlyweds. It is common..."


Nadia laughed.

Nadia had come to the hospital to deliver Leon's stuff in the morning. When she entered Leon's ward, she was surprised to see Leon lying on his bed checking his phone while his other arm was around Viola, who was sleeping with her head on his chest, hugging him.

"You are here." Leon said when he saw Nadia came in.

Nadia let out a polite cough. "Should I come back later, Young Master?"

"What do you think?" He sneered while kissing his wife's hair.

Viola woke up and jumped when she saw Nadia standing in front of her.

"Na... Nadia!" She was embarrassed as if she had been caught red-handed for doing something illicit.

Nadia smiled and told them she would wait outside.

"We were tired... and we just slept... like that." Viola continued explaining.

The two of them were now sitting outside Leon's room while waiting for Dr. Gale to check on Leon inside.

"Okay, Madam. I believe you." Nadia patted Viola's hands.

"No, you don't." Viola retorted.

"I heard Leon has woken up?" A voice startled the two women.

Viola looked up and saw Ian. "Mr. Oliver!"

"Mr. Oliver?" Ian looked at Viola in disbelief.

Nadia shook her head. She knew where this was going.

"How can you be so cold, Viola? Am I not your family?" Ian cried.

Oh, no... Viola smiled awkwardly. Ian took Viola's hands into his, looking hurt.

"Call me papa. I've always wanted my children to call me that but that cold-hearted son threatened to disown me if I made him do it." Ian grumbled.

"I will still do it if you keep pestering me and Viola." Leon came out from his room with Dr. Gale.

"Leon! Are you alright, son?" Ian ran to his son.

"It's nothing. I just hurt my head a little." Leon touched his injured temple.

"Nash, are you sure he is alright?"

"You doubt my ability?" Dr. Gale asked back. "Your son is fine."

Tom came and told Leon he had settled the administration matter with the hospital and he could discharge anytime he wanted.

"Leon! You are still not fully recovered!" Viola protested.

"I'll rest at home and Dr. Gale will still visit me." Leon replied calmly.


"It's alright, Mrs. Oliver. I agree to it. I will come by every day until he is fully healed." Dr. Gale assured her.

"If... if you say so..."

Nadia took a glance at the suitcases she had brought and apologized to Aria silently.

"Didn't you say you are going to rest at home?" Viola asked when she visited Leon in his room, a few days after he was discharged from the hospital.

Leon was sitting on his bed... with a laptop on his lap and his work documents beside him.

"I am. I am resting my body." He ignored her. His fingers were banging on the keyboard.

Viola was annoyed. "Fine! I don't care if you pass out again." She stormed out of the room angrily.

Leon chuckled as she left and went back working. Aria, who was delivering Leon's lunch, only shook her head and sighed.

"Nadia, move Viola's things back into our room." Leon said during dinner.

Nadia nodded in response and left the room.

"Wait, shouldn't you ask me first?" Viola said in annoyance.

"Aren't you keeping tabs on me? It's easier for you to monitor my well-being if we stay in the same room." Leon replied with a cocky smile.

Viola did not return his smile. She looked at him angrily. "You are not even listening to me anyway."

"I know..." Leon continued eating.

Hateful man. Viola scolded him inside her head.

Leon was advised to rest at home for a week by Dr. Gale but resting was never in Leon's dictionary. He had asked Tom to bring his work home and had been working from home since.

"Are you finished?" Leon asked. "Let's go outside."

"Outside...?" Viola looked at Leon, confused.

Leon took Viola's hand and walked her to the door. Viola saw a maid holding her coat by the entrance. Leon took the coat from her and put it on Viola. "Don't want you to catch a cold." He smiled. Viola was still angry at him but she could not help feeling embarrassingly pleased at the gesture. Leon took her hand again and they both stepped outside.

"Umm... why do we come to the back garden?" Viola asked. Foggy air escaped from her lips as she talked. Leon did not answer. He just walked beside her silently. Viola put her hands into the pocket. So cold. She looked around. It was the view she was seeing from her room every day. In this time of the year, there was not anything to see besides piling snow. As they walked under the moonlight, Viola's eyes caught a familiar bench not far from them.

"Aah! Lady Sarah's bench!" Viola exclaimed.

Leon looked at Viola with surprise. "You know about her?"

"Uh... umm... I heard some stories..." Viola stuttered. She scratched her head. She had promised Nadia that she would not tell Leon she had heard his past from her.

Leon was still looking at her. His eyes narrowed.

"Umm... I saw your picture with her... in your bedroom." Viola laughed nervously. "You seem close to each other."

"Sarah is a family friend... oh, and was once my fiancée too... for a few days." Leon chuckled. Viola felt uncomfortable upon hearing it. "Is... is that so?"

Leon noticed Viola's changed expression. He lowered his lips to her ear. "Don't worry."

Viola covered her ear in surprise. Her cheeks were red. "I... I am going back!" She bit her lower lip and turned her back to Leon. Leon pulled her hand swiftly and lifted her up in his arms. "Let's go back."

"What... what are you doing? Put me down!" Viola struggled.

"You are not wearing proper shoes. Your toes will get frostbite from walking on the snow for a long time." Leon said as he carried Viola back to the main building. "Be obedient and hold onto me?"

Viola looked at her wet shoes. She realized she could not feel her toes anymore. She slowly put her arms around Leon's neck.

"I don't know what you think about me but just so you know, I care about you." Leon said quietly.

Leon's words made Viola's heartbeat elevated.

"Wha... whatever!" Viola quickly hid her face in his chest. She could not look at Leon in the face. Seeing her reaction, Leon curled his lips and continued his steps.

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