Chapter 54

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It was already late March but the weather was still cold in Bellfield, and colder... inside Oliver mansion's living room. Sarah Thomas was sitting comfortably on the sofa inhaling the smell of the tea that Nadia just brought out. Sitting across her was Viola, nervous as hell as she was not prepared to meet Leon's childhood friend this soon.

"What can I help you today?" Viola asked.

Sarah removed the cup from her lips. "I see that you are back here. I actually came to see Leon as I heard he fainted again in the office yesterday... when you were with him?" She smiled meaningfully.

Viola ignored her sarcasm. "He has gone to work." She said sharply, implying he was in good condition. Sarah continued staring at her without saying anything and that made Viola uncomfortable.

"If there isn't anything else, I would like..." Viola got up from her seat.

"Why did you come back?"

"Huh?" Viola thought she misheard her.

"I know you left the house after quarreling with Leon. And you somehow poisoned him until he was sent to hospital?" Sarah looked amused.

Viola bit her lip. What Sarah said was true but she did not want to be reminded about it, much less hearing it from her. She sat down again. "What do you want?"

"I came to see Leon to offer him my help but I change my mind. I think it would be better to offer it to you instead." Sarah smiled again.

"What do you mean?"

"Divorce him." Sarah said bluntly.

Viola had expected this since she heard their conversation in Leon's office. She could feel her hands trembling but she clutched on her dress to hide it. "Why?" She asked.

"You should be smart enough to know that Uni Infinitus is in financial trouble. Do you know how much pressure he is under now? After that doomed project was declared as temporarily suspended, many investors pulled out from the project. It is still hanging on, but it won't be long and I am the only who can help him now." Sarah looked pleased with herself.

"I know..." Viola admitted.

Sarah was happy to hear Viola understood her own situation. "So do you agree?"

Viola shook her head. "I am not leaving him."

Sarah was furious. "You do know you are a burden to him! Fine! I'm not a bad person. I told you this is an offer. If you are afraid that you won't be able to live as comfortably as now, rest assured I can..."

"I will not accept anything from you, Lady Sarah."

"Are you saying you are fine seeing his hard work ruined just because you will not let him go??"

"I too, once thought that it would be better if you are the one who is standing beside him in this situation but right now... I realized it was a mistake." Viola cast her eyes downward.


"I realized... my leaving wasn't helping him with anything. After I left, he did not turn to you nor to anyone else for help. Worse, he shut everyone out and nobody dared to interfere." Viola paused and added with a smile. "He had given me enough. I don't need anything else. I just want to see him happy."

Sarah snorted. "And you think you can make him happy? You think too highly of yourself."

Viola ignored her and got up from her seat. "I need to get going. You can stay here if you want."

"I'm not done with you!"

"I'm not changing my mind." Viola looked into Sarah's eyes earnestly. She did not know where her confidence came from but she was determined not to let Sarah belittle her. Her emerald green eyes, full of determination, made Sarah shuddered.

"I... I deserve to be with him more than you are! I was the one who accompanied him for years when he lost his mother! Our families benefit each other in business and parents support us to be together! We were even engaged! But you? You don't even love each other. Leon just married you out of pity! And you returned his help by causing all this mess. How long are you going to keep running his life?"

Viola clenched her hands tight, trying not to let any sound escaped from her mouth.

"Why aren't you saying anything?"

Viola sighed. She was tired of this endless argument. "Now I just don't think Leon will be happy with you."

"You!" In anger, Sarah took the cup with her unfinished tea and splashed it on Viola.

"Madam!!" Aria barged into the room and stood in front of her mistress. "Are... are you alright???" She quickly took out her own handkerchief.

"I'm okay. The tea is not hot so..."

Aria turned to face Sarah. "How dare you do this to her!" She could not hide her boiling anger. Maria, her twin, who had been watching from the entrance with her a moment ago, was stunned. She had never seen her sister this angry.

"It's alright, Aria." Viola tapped the young maid's shoulder. She then turned to Sarah again.

"And you are wrong..." Viola stopped herself.

"I love Leon. I will not leave him unless he tells me to. That's the least I can do for him now." Viola said firmly.

"How dare you...!"

"That's enough." A low, deep voice coming from the entrance.

Leon walked in with a towel on his hand. He flung the towel over Viola's head and wiped her face. "Are you okay?"

Viola thought she was half dreaming. She hid her face under the towel and nodded.

"Leon..." Sarah was surprised to see her childhood friend coming in.

"Leave now, Sarah. Don't make me ask the security to remove you." Leon said without looking at her. His attention was focused on his red-faced wife.

"Leon, you can't do this to me! You still need me!" Sarah cried.

"I told you before. If you can't respect the people who live here, you can leave." Leon pulled Viola with him and exited the room. Aria quickly followed them out and joined her sister.

Nadia came in and approached Sarah calmly. "My lady... please go home for now." Even though Nadia was very disappointed with her outburst today, seeing the girl who she watched growing up in distress, she could not turn a blind eye on her.

"You are taking her side too, Nadia? Don't you care for Leon at all?? She caused all this..."

"It is not my place to judge, my lady." Nadia replied.

Aware that she could not convince the elderly maid, Sarah took her bag and stormed out of the room.

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