Chapter 28

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"What do you mean you are going back to your tiny cold room?" Leon asked as he slipped into his sleeping wear.

"Like I said, I don't feel comfortable sleeping here with you." Viola was standing at the bedside, trying to smile politely at Leon.

"But you looked comfortable when we were in the hospital." Leon argued.

Viola threw a pillow at Leon. "Stop reminding me of that." Leon caught the pillow with his hands and put it back on the bed.

"And you don't seem to mind the kiss either." He added.

"Leon!" How can this guy speak without shame?

"Anyway! I'm leaving!" Viola turned to the door.

"Don't go." Leon grabbed her hand. "I want you here." Leon said without batting an eye.

Viola cheeks were red again. "St... stop saying stupid things!"

"But it's true." Leon replied shortly. Viola was going crazy.

"You know, I sleep better when you are around. I think my body remembers your body's scent," said Leon as he lied on the bed.

"Wha... what body scent?! Stop talking nonsense and just sleep!" Viola turned her back to Leon, her hand clenched the warm blanket. Viola had to admit that the bed was much more comfortable here.

"Do you still feel cold? You can come closer." Leon offered.

"I am fine. I have these." Viola shook her feet under the blanket. Leon had forced her to wear those fuzzy wool socks to keep her cold feet warm.

Both of them did not say anything for a few minutes.

"Are you still thinking about your ex?" Leon suddenly asked.

Viola knitted her eyebrows. What does he want now? She ignored him.

"It's okay if you don't want to answer. Just listen quietly." Leon sighed.

"I say forget about Walter Aran. Don't involve yourself in anything that has to do with him. I don't know what kind of man he was back then but... something about him... is dangerous." Leon paused. "I'm just worried about your safety."

"I... can take care of myself. Don't worry..." Viola murmured.

Leon wanted to lock his wife in his room to keep her safe but he knew he could not do that.

"Right. Good night." Leon said sullenly. He turned his body the other way.

Viola turned her head and looked at Leon's lonely back. She got up and saw Leon had kicked off the blanket. She pulled the blanket over Leon's shoulders. "Please keep yourself warm too. You are still recovering." Leon did not say anything.

Viola sat on the bed, hugging her knees. She was not thinking of Walter before Leon suddenly mentioned his name. As much as she did not want to admit, Viola was actually thinking of Leon. I care about you, Leon had told her. She probably did too but did not dare to have any other thoughts. They were married because Leon needed her for his project and she wanted to return their kindness. Nothing else.

Her eyes moved to the photo frame across her. Lady Sarah. Viola's heart sunk as the name crossed her mind. If one day Leon decided that he wanted to be with her, what would she do? Ugh... She buried her face in between her knees. There were so many things in her mind. Did Leon still have feelings for Lady Sarah? Did he really care about her? Why was he so opposed to her meeting Walter? What did he mean by dangerous? Why would someone target her life? Was the assault related to the incident in Mir or was it because she was married to one of the most influential men in Bellfield? As much as Viola wanted to hold onto the peaceful life she was having at the present, she wanted answers to all her questions. Viola's head was hurting from thinking too much. I should sleep now.

She slipped under the blanket and gave Leon one last look before turning her bedside lamp off. "Good night, Leon."

Viola could not find Leon when she woke up the next day. She looked at the clock. It was 6.30 in the morning. Has he left for work? She dressed herself and went downstairs. Nadia greeted her when she saw Viola descending the staircase.

"Good morning, Madam. Did you sleep well? We've prepared your breakfast. Please come to the dining room," said Nadia and she disappeared into the kitchen.

Viola made her way to the dining room as told. Nadia came in not long after, pushing a cart. Viola saw that the breakfast was prepared for her alone.

"Where is Leon?" Viola asked as she reached for the milk.

Nadia tilted her head. "Didn't young master tell Madam that he will be abroad for a week or so? He left early this morning."

"He went abroad?" Viola was surprised. "He... didn't say anything last night."

"Oh... maybe he just forgot to tell you, Madam. Young master... is rather forgetful, sometimes." Nadia tried to ease the situation. She made a mental note to lecture Leon later.

Viola let out a sigh. Well, it was not the first time Leon left without saying anything. She was used to not seeing or hearing from Leon in days. Still, she could not hide her disappointment. She thought they were at least closer than before.

"It's alright, Nadia. I'm off to work." Viola took a piece of toast and left the room. Nadia looked at the almost untouched breakfast and shook her head.


"You can take your lunch break now, Viola. I'll take it from here." Rana shouted from behind the counter. "Are you sure you don't want me to accompany you or something?" Rana added. She was still worried if some thugs would come to attack Viola.

"I'll be okay, Rana. Thanks." Viola smiled. She was just grateful that her employer did not fire her for causing trouble at her work place the other day. "I'll go after I'm done with this." Viola pointed at the newly arrived flowers, ready to be refrigerated.

It was 10 minutes later when Viola stepped out of the florist to get her lunch. She checked her phone. No new message. Zero missed call. It looked like Leon did not try to contact her at all. Whatever, she thought. As she was about to throw her phone inside her bag, the phone rang. Viola stared at the screen.

Unknown number.

Who might this be? Viola took the call at the second ring.


"..." There was not any reply from the caller.

"Hello? Who is this?" Viola repeated herself.

"Viola... it's me." A familiar man's voice was heard from the other side.

Viola was startled she almost dropped her phone.Her hands were trembling. "Wal... Walter?"

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