Chapter 26

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"Are you okay, Viola?" George passed a warm cup of tea to Viola to calm his daughter down.

Viola nodded. Her face was still wet with tears. She held the cup tightly.

They were in hospital. Ian and George had rushed there after Tom called them and reported the incident hysterically. Ian was now talking to the police accompanied by Tom and Rana while Leon was still lying in the examination room with Dr. Gale.

George hugged her daughter. "It's alright. Leon will be alright."

"It's my fault." Her voice quavered.

Dr. Gale came out and saw Viola and her father sitting in front of the examination room.

"Mrs. Oliver." He called.

Viola got up and ran to the family doctor. "Dr. Gale! How is Leon?"

"He is sleeping now. Mr. Oliver just fainted due to fatigue." Dr. Gale explained. "There is a small scratch on his temple but I've treated it." Dr. Gale checked his note. "Other than that, nothing serious. Don't worry."

Leon was lucky he was not hit by a passing car when he crossed the road ignoring the traffic lights. When the driver saw a figure suddenly collapsed in the middle of the road, he quickly pulled the brake and the car stopped just a few inches away from Leon.

Dr. Gale took Viola's two trembling hands into his. "Take good care of him, will you?" Viola nodded. The doctor's hands were warm.

"We will move him to a patient's ward. You can see him but I don't think he will be awake until tomorrow." Dr. Gale added. He said his goodbye and left with the nurse.

George tapped his daughter's shoulder. "Go see him. I'll look for Ian and let him know."

Viola nodded. She wiped her tears and went in to see Leon.


"Maria, can you pass me that towel?" Aria called her sister. Her twin did not seem to hear her.

"Maria!" Aria called her again, this time louder.

"Oh! Sorry! What is it?"

Aria shook her head. "The T-O-W-E-L."

"Here you go." Maria passed her sister the requested towel. They were in Leon's room packing stuff he might need when he was being hospitalized. Maria paused for a while before speaking to her sister again.

"Say, Aria..." She spoke quietly, making sure there was not anyone around who could hear them. All the other maids should be busy in the kitchen preparing 'Nadia's healing soup' at the moment.

"What?" Aria was busy filling the suitcase(s) with books, pajamas, towels, pillow cases, blanket and other more. Aria was quite certain these things were provided by the hospital but she did not want to argue with Nadia.

"I think I saw Lady Sarah the other day." Aria's hands stopped moving.

"She is back? Are you sure?" Aria asked.

"Remember when Mrs. Ellis asked me to clean the back garden? I saw her getting into a car. Her back was facing me so I don't think she saw me."

"How do you know it's her? It might be Madam."

"Oh, come on, Aria. Madam was still in young master's bed when you went to call her." Maria laughed. "And that woman was carrying that stupid bag, remember the little bag which she used to flaunt around, saying it was a gift from Master Ian?"

"Whatever. What was she doing here anyway?" Aria's interest was piqued.

Maria shrugged her shoulders. "Who knows? Maybe she was looking for young master but changed her mind later?"

"In the early morning?"

"I don't know." Maria scratched her head. "I wonder what madam will do if that nasty woman really came back."


Leon woke up in the middle of the night.

Where... is this? His head hurt. This smell... Is it the hospital? Why am I... here?

He closed his eyes again, trying to search through his memories.

His eyes opened in a jolt. Viola! What happened to her! He got up and his head hurt again from the sudden movement. "Ouchh..."

Leon's painful cry woke Viola up. "Le...on?" Viola rubbed her eyes. She had fallen asleep by his bedside. Her eyes widened when she saw Leon sitting up on the bed.

"You are awake! How are you feeling? Are you hurting somewhere? How is your head?" Viola touched his forehead and then his face to make sure he was okay.

Leon was just staring blankly at her as if she was the strangest thing in the room.

"Leon? Can you hear me? Are you okay?"

Leon did not reply. His eyes did not move too. Seeing no response from Leon, Viola panicked. "I... I'm calling the doctor. Don't move." Viola reached for the call button but Leon stopped her hand.


"Come here." Leon spread his arms wide.


"Hug me." Leon said with a straight face.

What is wrong with him? Did the accident injure his brain? Viola was confused but agreed to his request. She climbed to the bed and put her hands around his back. "What's wrong? Are you hurt anywhere?"

Leon wrapped Viola in his arms and hugged her. "Were you worried?" He whispered.

Viola looked up. Leon grinned at her. He enjoyed seeing her worried about him.

"You... you were playing dumb just now?" Viola pushed him away. Her eyes were red and tears started flowing down. "You idiot!" She grabbed the pillow behind and hit him. She was angry.

"What are you doing to a sick person?" Leon blocked her attack.

She threw the pillow aside and threw her arms around his neck.

"I was scared! You idiot! I hate you!" Viola cried on his shoulder.

Leon put one of his hands on her head and laughed. He thought he was teasing her too much. "I'm sorry for scaring you."

Viola punched his back a few times.

Leon laughed again. "I didn't know you care so much about me." He leaned his head back to look at Viola's teary face. "Let me see you properly."

Viola looked down and shook her head. "No." Her arms were still hugging Leon's neck.

"I need to see if those bastards hurt you anywhere."

Viola finally released him. "They did not. The bodyguards... came." She spoke as she wiped her tears.

Leon kissed her eyes. "Stop crying."

"Who do you think..." Viola wanted to protest but Leon's lips were already down on hers.

"Hold on..."

Their lips parted for a few seconds before Leon pushed her down and started kissing her again.

"Close your eyes." Leon whispered.

"No... wait..." Viola tried to make him stop but Leon paid no attention to it.

Leon's lips were warm. Viola felt as if all her energy was lost. She closed her eyes and let the warmth sunk into her body.

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