Chapter 6: We meet another demigod

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Jason's POV

My next class was music. I shouldered my backpack and luckily, my biology classroom was close to the band room. I remembered Percy telling me an Empousa set in on fire. As I walked, a pair of soft hands with long fingers pressed against my eyes, obscuring my vision. I knew those hands.

'Hey, Pipes.' I chuckled. She removed her hands and I turned around. She was with Annabeth and Nico. 'How was class?'

'Weird. Everyone knows my dad's Tristan Mclean and we're learning Greek mythology.' She said. She was trying to play it down, like always, but I could see the pain in her eyes. She hadn't told me something. I let it go for now, I would ask her later.

'It's okay, Piper, don't care about what they think. We're here for you.' I said, taking her hands.

'Thanks, Jason. But, on the bright side, we already know everything in the unit we're learning. So easy, but surfaces some unpleasant memories...' Piper said, pulling out her history textbook from her backpack. She flipped to a page and showed to to me. 'Look what they say about Mr. D and Hera! It's terrible!' She was right. From what Percy said, Dionysus, or "Mr. D" was nothing like the picture and description. Hera was even worse. Hey, we'd met Hercules first-hand. We knew what he felt about his mother.

'Gods... This is almost insulting.' I said.

'Almost? It is very insulting.' Annabeth said, crossing her arms. Just then, Percy and Frank walked towards us.

'What's insulting?' Frank asked, peering over at the book. His face twisted in disgust. 'Oh.' Percy came and read it, too, and when he saw Dionysus's picture, I could tell it was taking all his willpower to avoid the library toilet to flood.

'This,' He said, holding up the book and angrily waving his free hand. 'Is the most incorrect thing I've seen!' Yep, all of us agreed on that.

'Hey guys!' Hazel came towards us. 'What are you talking about?'

'This.' Percy said, pointing at a smiling Dionysus, in a deadly calm tone. 'This is unacceptable.'

'Oh, wow. That is pretty wrong.' Hazel agreed, nodding.

'Sup, guys!' Leo put a hand on my shoulder. 'What 'cha talking about?' He peered at the book in Percy's hand and said,

'Oh, no. Terrible. Extremely wrong.' He said, his face turning serious.

'Okay, if we're all done calling the book preposterous, we all need to get to class. We all have music now, right? ' I said, trying to close the topic. I didn't want toilets to flood in my face, or the hall to go up in flames, or a skeleton to strangle me. That was going to happen if my friends got even angrier at an inaccurate history textbook. 

Everyone nodded. We continued walking to the band room, which I remember Percy telling us an Empousa had once set it on fire. I stepped inside. The teacher wasn't there yet, but there were musical instruments lined up at the back. Keyboards, guitars, violins, some flutes and whatnot. 

'Guys, I'm just going to use the restroom. If the teacher comes, tell him I'm there.' I informed. I headed out of the class and as I passed the exit, I heard a growl from outside. I ran, and in front of the school building, a large, hairy hellhound snarled at me. I ran towards it and slashed my golden blade, and made a gash in its face. It howled in pain (or it could've been rage) and bit my arm. It started bleeding, and I was loosing blood, but I slashed at it more. Not enough. I brought my sword down on its chest, and the beast disintegrated in a shower of golden dust. I clutched my arm to stop it from bleeding, and hoped the mortals wouldn't notice how big it was. I ran back to the music room, maybe one of them had some ambrosia. When I got there, still holding my sword, The teacher was already introducing himself. He was young, and had blonde hair and blue eyes. Piper ran toward me, and cried, 

'Jason, what the hades happened?! Does anybody have ambrosia?' She didn't care about the fact all the kids were staring at us in confusion. Piper scanned the room desperately, and my friends came over to see. 

'H-hellhound.' I croaked. 

'Gods...' Nico said. 'I fought it too earlier in the morning. I couldn't kill it, it ran away for some reason.' 

'Hey, kid!' A man called. I looked up to see the teacher coming over to us, holding a bag of squar-shaped food. 

'Ambrosia?' Annabeth said in disbelief. 'B-but how? You're a demigod?' 

'Yup. Child of Apollo.' He introduced. 'I'm Harry.' I took the ambrosia and ate a couple squares. It tasted like the brownies Piper and I had made. The pain in my arm subsided and the wound started to close. 

'Thank you.' Piper told Harry. 'I'm Piper, and this is Jason.' She said, and continued to introduce us, with our godly parent. 

'Whoa, four kids of the big three? Sick. Also, you three-' He pointed at Frank, Hazel and I 'You're Roman?' 

'Uh, yeah.' Frank nodded.

'Whoa, Greek and Roman? You've made peace?' 

'Yeah, we needed to team up to defeat Gaia. Her Most Annoying Majesty switched Jason and I and mixed the world up so we could defeat the giants.' Percy explained. 

'Wait, lemme get this straight. First off, you're the demigods who killed her? I heard about it, that's so cool, congrats! And, second, "Her Most Annoying Majesty" is Hera, right? Yeah, we used to call her that, too!'

'Yes, we're those demigods, and yes, that's Hera. Glad you feel the same way.' Annabeth smiled. 

'Hmm, you guys must be bringing lots of monsters here, eh?' He asked.

'Yeah, but not a lot, they've gone astray since Dirt Face got burned.' Leo told him. 

'Gaia. Got it. Well, we'd better get back to class! Take a seat!' 

We sat down in the empty seats, and kids gave us weird looks. Harry cleared his throat, and said,

'Okay, kids, sorry 'bout that, I was just explaining something to these students. Now, where was I? Right, I'm Harry Smith, and I'll be teaching y'all music! So, do any of you have any experience?' 

A few people raised their hands. I knew Piper was a really good singer, but I also knew she hated attention. I decided not to press. 

'Okay, okay, good! So, for the rest of this class, I'll leave you guys to experiment with the instruments, find out which one you're interested in. Then, from next week, I'll help you learn.' Harry said. Apparently to all the students that meant chatting with their friends and making weird noises with guitars. Well, there wasn't much of the class left, so I talked with my friends, and checked out the instruments, until it was time for lunch.  


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