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The day was sunny, the mood in the waiting room of the Obstetrician was one of mixed fear and excitement. Maddy rambled on as she colored her pictures, getting to see her new brother or sister...asking question after question about how it would work. She seemed excited enough...today at least.

Meredith's hand rested in Derek's as she smoothed the other hand over the sleeveless shirt she wore. Her nerves were working over time but she was trying her hardest to appear fine.

Derek smiled softly, watching his wife fiddle with odds and ends. Her hands sweeping across her belly from time to time...silently searching out reassurance. She needed this...he wished he would have noticed this sooner...wished he would have taken the time to think about her past...how it was effecting her.

"Meredith Shepherd" the nurse called out across the room.

Rising her eyebrows Meredith smiled brightly hoping she was hiding her fears "this is it guys...are you ready."

Smiling Derek nodded as he gathered the various items Maddy had strewn across the floor in her coloring.

As they walked back into the room the nurse gave some simple instructions, while handing Meredith a pink gown to change into ....simple...yet somehow still hard for Meredith as she began to tremble...

"Mer..." he whispered as she turned the knob to walk into the bathroom.

"It will be ok...you'll see..." his lips meeting hers quickly as she turned to go change.

The minutes after seemed to tick by as they waited for the doctor to come in...she laid upon the table with vivid memories filing her head, painful images threatening to spill tears upon her cheeks. She remained strong for the small family that sat beside her. She listened as Derek ready Maddy her story, she smiled at the way their daughter was cuddled securely in his arms...wishing she could feel as comforted as Maddy did....praying that everything was going to be ok....

Their was a soft knock as the door opened revealing Dr. Thomas.

"Meredith...Derek...Maddy...how is everyone doing today..." she asked as she sat upon her stool opening Meredith's chart.

"I see here we are doing an ultrasound today...your weight and blood pressure are great as well as the babies heart beat...did you have any concerns you'd like to talk bout?"

Meredith glanced over at the distracted Maddy...catching Derek's glance as he nodded encouraging her on.

"Well..." she began almost afraid to say the words.

"I've been worrying a lot about the baby...afraid the past could repeat it's self....after my last delivery I'm just afraid that well..."

Dr. Thomas took pity on her, noticing the trouble she was having even speaking about the incident..."I'll tell you what Meredith...let's take a look, let's see how this little one is doing...try to calm your fears a little."

As Meredith laid back she cringed at the cold gel as it made it's way over her bare stomach. Smiling as Maddy laughed...taking hold of Derek's hand as the screen lit up.

The wand worked it's way over her belly, images appearing but still nothing she could distinguish. Suddenly though she gasped as the baby appeared in full form...legs and arms moving, small hands that seemed to be waving....

She could feel the tears moistening her eyes, could feel her heart fill with so much love. Glancing up she caught sight of Derek who held a mesmerized Maddy in his arms.

"Is that the baby?" she asked excitedly.

Derek laughed "yes peanut that is our baby..." his eyes fixed on the moving images as the doctor explained different task she was performing...what certain measurements meant and such.

"Well I can certainly tell you one thing...this baby is far from shy...do you want to know what your having?"

Meredith glanced at Derek, they really hadn't discussed it yet...she been so afraid to except the pregnancy as real she hadn't thought about the sex...and honestly it just didn't matter to her.

Derek shrugged, he wouldn't care either way...the relief for him came in just seeing their child healthy...knowing Meredith was happy...that was all that mattered to him.

"I do...I do...is it a boy...I bet it's a boy but I really want a sister...but if it's a boy I don't have to share my Barbies so a boy would be nice too..." Maddy rambled on causing them to laugh...Derek just chuckled at how alike Meredith she was becoming....

Glancing at his wife he nodded his consent as Meredith smiled at Maddy "yes we'd like to know...."

"Well...." the doctor said as she tried to get a clearer picture for them..."it appears that you are having a baby....girl" Dr. Thomas said as she smiled....

Meredith held her breath as the tears suddenly became to much to hold back..." another girl..." she whispered as she felt Dereks lips meet hers....

"Oh gross...do you guys have to do that?" Maddy asked covering her eyes as she groaned out loud.

Laughter filled the room, Meredith took a deep breath feeling a reassured...enjoying the thought of having another baby girl to love....

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