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His eyes wouldn't quite cooperate with opening. His mind begging him to stay in this place he had found in his dreams. A place where he could sit back lounging watching as Meredith sat in the grass, her blonde hair blowing in the wind as she laughed at something Maddy said. The sound of her laughter was like music to his ears. He felt himself being drawn closer wanting to be enveloped in the magic that was her laughter. As he walked he could see little feet kicking from beneath Meredith's arms, the tiny toes peeking out as small squeals and grunts could be heard mixed with the happiness.

His feet seemed to carry his body across the lawn as if he was detached, no mind of his own. He was careful to walk slowly afraid if he got to close it would all disappear. Standing behind her his senses were filled with that lavender scent he loved so much...glancing down he watched as Sophie nuzzled into Meredith's chest, her fingers clenching the soft pink shirt that covered Mer. They looked so peaceful...he wanted to touch the soft skin that was exposed along Meredith's shoulders, he wanted to pull her in close and kiss her...something in the back of his mind shouting at him to not let her go...stepping closer she looked up smiling. Tears filled his eyes as happiness filled his body...

"Where have you been I've been waiting for you...."

Derek just crouched down beside her shaking his head...knowing something wasn't right here, but just wanting to hang onto this moment of happiness...

"Mer...I love you so much...I just hope you know that..." his voice hoarse with emotion.

"Derek of course I know that..." shaking her head she laughed "your daughter eats as if she's never had a meal."

Derek smiled gently and suddenly he knew what was wrong...knew he was dreaming, panic setting in he reached for her wanting to hold her close wanting to make sure nothing took her from him...but as he grasped for her he could only grasp air. As he watched her slowly disappear from him...

"Meredith no...you can't leave me...please...."


"Meredith listen I'm not done loving you...this isn't fair..."

"Derek" her voice was just a little louder...but still horse.

Tears filling his eyes his body shook in heartbreak "Meredith...please...."


He could feel softness brushing against his cheek, a hand grasping his...fingers mingling with his...


His eyes opened slowly...adjusting to the brightness of the room. Realizing he had drifted off he quickly turned his head to check on Sophie panic setting in that she might not be okay....as his head turned his eyes met with the best gift ever as they clashed with those green eyes he never thought he'd see again...tears misting them turning them into seas of green. Choking back his own sobs his hand reached up and gently caressed her face...

"Derek...she's beautiful..."

Smiling he let go, sobbing kissing and holding his family...thanking God for a second chance.

Words could not be found, shaking his head he just stared at his wife, at the life they had created together lying between them...this was how life was suppose to be...this was how that fairytale should end...not with tears and pain. Leaning in he softly kissed her lips closing his eyes as he felt the softest of movements of hers dancing beneath his...

Looking down at Sophie he smiled "I told you baby bug...I wouldn't let her leave us because you see...I'm not done loving her...our story just isn't ready to end...."

Smiling Meredith closed her eyes, she was tired, and happy and somehow she knew there was a lot to tell...but for the moment all she cared about was holding her daughter close and feeling her husbands arms around her....

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