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"Come on Sophie quit crying sweetie...."

Meredith stood in the nursery, her sweats covered in stains, her white t-shirt covered in baby throw up...it had not been a good day.

"I know you don't feel good sweetie...but your medicine should be kicking in soon...let's just let Mommy take your temperature."

She struggled to get the squiggly infant still enough to get a proper reading, tears filling her eyes at the cries working their way out of her daughters lungs...she was burning up and she was uncomfortable...and Meredith was exhausted and out of answers.

"Mommy the phone is ringing do you want me to get it?" Maddy asked as she ran into the room, her ponytail lopsided and falling out.

"Please Maddy...and tell who ever it is I'll call them back..."

Maddy dashed away as the thermometer beeped letting Meredith know she had finally gotten a reading "104!"

She could feel the panic setting in, being a Doctor she tried to rationalize it, tried to stay calm and collective...but the emotions of a Mother were running wild.

"Mommy...Mommy it's Aunt Izzie...."

Taking the phone from Maddy she started rambling all at once as she quickly placed Sophie back into her onesie "Izzie, Sophie is sick...I think really sick...maybe not...but I think so...she's burning up...and she won't quit crying....it could be nothing only I think it's something...."

"Whoa Meredith slow down...what's wrong?"

Meredith took a deep breath as she now balanced a screaming Sophie in her arms as she walked towards her bedroom in search of some shoes while she sent Maddy scurrying to do the same "she's been crying all day Iz, I haven't been able to comfort her at all...and now she's hot...I mean really hot...she's running a temperature of 104 and I'm just freaking out...."

Izzie leaned her head against the counter of the nurses station, knowing if she was dealing with a sane Meredith she might be able to calm her down...but this was over worked, over tired...basically single Mom Meredith and there would be no soothing her until she knew her daughter was safe "Meredith bring her in and I'll take a look at her...it's probably nothing but we still need to get her fever down..."

"Maddy go grab your jacket..."Meredith said as she grabbed her diaper bag and keys off the foyer table "thanks Izzie...I'll see you in a bit."

As she waited for Maddy to come down the stairs she blindly dialed the number she knew by heart and waited for him to answer...after three rings it went to voicemail and she left him a brief voicemail as the frustration grew in her voice...

"Maddy honey are you ready?"

Maddy just shook her head, watching as tears built in Meredith's eyes as Sophie's small face shown a bright red...her blue eyes over filled with tears.

"Mommy is Sophie okay?"

Meredith nodded, stopping to push a strand of hair off Maddy's forehead "she'll be fine..."

"I want Daddy...."

Closing her eyes Meredith felt a tear trail down her damp cheek "me too sweetie...me too..."

The drive to Seattle Grace was long...or at least it felt as if the miles stretched on forever, the sounds of Sophie crying filled the small space piercing their ears painfully. Reaching down she grabbed her cell phone once again dialing his number....

"Hello..." the voice on the other end answered cheerfully.

Meredith sat stunned for a second "I...I'm sorry...I must have dialed the wrong number...I'm looking for Derek Shepherd."

"No this is his phone...he's indisposed at the moment...can I take a message..."

"Indisposed?" Meredith's voice was soft, unsure...

"Yes...I'm sorry he's in the shower...."

The phone slipped from her hands into her lap, tears filled her eyes as a deep pit seemed to build in her stomach...closing the phone she concentrated on the road, trying to tell herself it was nothing...but none the less unable to get the thought of Derek alone with another woman out of her head....

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