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Meredith sat in the kitchen perched upon a bar stool listening to Maddy play in the next room the sound of the Jonas Brothers echoing through the family room. Laughing quietly to herself over her daughters off key version of Year 3000 she continued to read what she had just wrote into the journal...spending much more time at home the closer she got to her due date, she found it very theraputic...besides she enjoyed reliving the memories.

There was a time Sophie when I believed I would walk alone. My heart ached for something big but somehow your Mommy felt she didn't deserve it...I hope you never feel that because I want to let you in on a secret that I never knew growing up...your special...your amazing and you were made to be loved by the world...

A small tear escaped her eye as she wrote the words that filled her soul...hoping she would be able to stress to her daughters exactly how special they were...not able to stop from chuckling as she caught sight of Maddy now wearing a feathered boa as she danced to the music...

I learned the hard way Sophie...but I did learn. I learned by feeling the way your Daddy loves...he loves with his soul...it's an amazing feeling to know someone can love you like that...but don't you worry you will know that kind of love your whole life you'll never have to know any different.

Smiling Meredith recalled the first time Derek told her he loved her...she remembered feeling so free after sharing the story of Hope with him...feeling the comfort he offered in his strong arms as she wept for something that she had lost before she really had a chance to have it...the look in his eyes as he told her he loved her...

It was sudden the love I felt for your Daddy...but he made me open up like no one ever had...I felt safe with him able to share anything with him...it was amazing...one day you will understand what I mean...though I doubt your Daddy will be much of a supporter of either one of his girls dating...

Meredith chuckled out loud at the thought of Derek greeting his daughters date at the door...

"Whatcha laughing at Mommy?"

Closing the book Meredith pushed out a stool making room for Maddy to join her. Grabbing a banana out of the bowl she peeled it and split it in two sharing with her.

"I was just writing down some memories of when we became a family for Sophie.."

Maddy laughed her mouth full of fruit "member when Daddy came home and found us dancing and you made the brownies that tasted soooo bad."

"Hey they weren't that bad..."

Laughing Maddy smiled "they were bad Mommy...but umm your getting better."

"It's not nice to lie...besides we have Aunt Izzie...so we have a lifetime of chocolate available to us..."

Maddy laughed before jumping off the stool "I'm gonna go play again..."

Meredith started to nod as Maddy walked over and placed a kiss on her belly "hi Sophie..."

Smiling Meredith watched Maddy run out of the room picking up her pen she opened her book to write but was suddenly blinded by a headache "Sophie baby it looks like maybe we should lie down...." standing up she walked into the family room to watch Maddy play and hopefully rest enough to stop the fast growing headache....

Time passed by, Maddy enjoyed putting on a show for Mommy and noticed she had fallen asleep. As she stood there watching Meredith breathe in and out she felt herself grow a little scared. Mommy never fell asleep unless Daddy was home...Maddy wanted to wake her but Mommy looked so tired...but fear won out.

Whispering she gently placed a hand on Meredith's face "Mommy...."

No answer, so Maddy shook "Mommy....Mommy wake up...."

Fear gripped her little body as she tried in vain to wake Meredith up
"Mommy please...please wake up...I'm so scared...Mommy please....."

Derek had just turned onto the long drive up to his property...tired and hungry he was ready to see his girls, ready to give his wife a break. Meredith had looked so tired when he left it looked like her pregnancy was finally taking it's toll...as he approached the house the sight of red lights stopped his heart, his breath catching in his eyes as he took in the ambulance....throwing the car in park he jumped out running as fast as his feet would carry him to the steps of the house...the door flying open as Maddy ran into his arms sobbing her body shaking....

"She wouldn't wake up Daddy...Mommy won't wake up....please Daddy make her wake up..."

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