Chapter 1 - Unexpected Meeting

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You came out of the car heading to your old friend's house. You haven't seen him in ages and it felt weird to go to his house now. You two were really close friends when he was in high school but fate separated you. You shifted to another city after your father decided to grow his business and ultimately changed residence. You two were still in contact though.

You started heading to his door feeling excited to finally meet him after 10 years. You were walking to his door when a man suddenly came out opening the door bumping straight into you.

You: Oww

??: Oh I am sorry. Are you okay?

You: Yeah I am fine.

You look at the man and froze on your spot. It was like you were hypnotized. You kept on staring at him with your heart beating fast and your mind filled with hundreds of questions about him. Who is he? What is he doing here? Does Taehyung know him? How can he be so good looking? Why am I staring at him? Why is my heart beating so fast?!

Your thoughts were interrupted by a girl calling out for you from behind and that's when you realise that you have turned around while staring at his figure going away and was now out of your sight.

Girl: Excuse me?

You: *turned around* Oh yeah.. umm... Hi!

Girl: Hello... You are?

You: Oh come on Bella... Don't you recognise me?

Bella: Oh Hii Y/n... Sorry i wasn't sure if that's you only or not because of the mask and your hideous outfit.

You: That's okay... Is Taehyung home?

Bella: Yes.. Come inside.

Bella was Taehyung's wife. Taehyung was 3 years older than you and had a 3 year old son named Sam.

As soon as you saw Taehyung, you ran upto him and jumped on him hugging him tightly while he spun you around holding you up in the air.

Taehyung: Shakes (your nickname)!!!

You: Finally we meet again booksie (his nickname)!!

Bella: You didn't meet me the way you met him Y/n.

Taehyung puts you down.

You: Oh sorry Bella. What can I do? We still get to meet because of our female camping trip every year but I haven't seen this guy in ages now.

Bella: Yeah yeah I understand... I was just joking.

You smile. Suddenly you remembered something as you turn to Taehyung.

You: Umm... Who was that guy who just left the house?

Taehyung: Oh that's Jimin, Bella's secretory. Why? Is something wrong?

You: *panicking* No no nothing is wrong.

Taehyung: *doubting* Are you sure?

You: Yeah yeah of course.. Why would something be wrong.

Taehyung: Y/n y-

You: *whining* I haven't had booksie special milkshake in 10 years dude.. I am craving for it now.

Taehyung: *chuckles* Alright alright I will get you one.

He goes away as you sigh in relief that he didn't doubt you. Little did you know that he knows you too well to not recognise you.

Bella: Have a seat Y/n.

You both sat down.

You: Bella..

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