Chapter 8

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5 pm

You were currently heading to Jimin's cabin with a few papers in your hand for him to sign it. The day went quite smoothly except for the constant bickering between you and Jimin. You can't help it. He don't really take interest in talking to you so arguing or annoying him was the only way to get his attention. However you got to know that Jimin is quite professional and you loved this thing about him. The fact that both of you are professional was the only thing that was getting you two along.

In Jimin's cabin

I knocked on the door and entered his cabin and found him working on his laptop.

You: Jimin..

He hummed in response.

You: You need to sign these papers by tomorrow. These are some work which need your permission.

Jimin: Okay keep it here.

You kept the papers on the desk.

You: Do have anything for me to do?

Jimin: Yeah... Just have a look on these papers. It will help you in understanding about our company more.

He said while handling me a bunch of papers.

You: Okay.

I said and was about to leave when something came in my mind.

You: When will you be leaving?

Jimin: Why do you want to know?

You: Just tell me.

Jimin: *sigh* I don't know when I will be leaving. The company is lagging way more behind than I thought. I need to work overtime.

You: Oh then I'll stay with you.

Jimin: You don't have to.

You: But I want to.

Jimin looked at me with an unreadable expression then nodded.

I smiled and left the room.


11 pm

You just finished going through some papers and headed to Jimin so that he can sign them. The formalities were still not completed so you couldn't sign the papers as the owner just now. You already called your brother before informing him that you will be late and telling him that you will drive yourself to your home. He was refusing at first but finally gave in knowing how stubborn you are.

You knocked on the door and head inside only to find a sleeping Jimin.


You went to him and saw him shivering with cold so you adjusted the temperature of the air conditioner. You got a pillow from the couch and gently laid Jimin's head on it making sure not to wake him up.

Good night Mr. Handsome

You then looked at his laptop which was still turned on with a mail showing up. There were some details about a deal. You recognized it as the deal Jimin told you about earlier. You carefully took the laptop, sat on the couch and started going through the mail doing the work Jimin was about to do.

After 1 hour

You: *in mind* Done. Now Jimin only need to go through this to make sure it's fine and sign it.

You smiled and got up from the seat to leave when an evil thought crossed your mind. You took a marker, went to Jimin and started drawing on his face. You drew a moustache and a beard with a little heart near his left eye. Then you took a pic of him and left his cabin turning off all the lights controlling your laugh.

Once you were outside you couldn't control it anymore and burst out laughing.

You: I-I am sorry Jimin but *laugh* I couldn't control myself *laugh* from taking a picture.

You calmed down a bit and looked at his picture again.

He still looks so freaking handsome.

While you were admiring his picture your phone rang.


Hoseok: WHAT THE HECK Y/N?! Do you know what time is it?! You are still not home! And why were you not picking up?! I have called you for more than 50 times!!

I checked my phone and replied,

You: It's 50 bro. It's not more than 50.

Hoseok: huh?! Out of all the things I said to you, you decided to reply me on that?!

You: Ok ok calm down.... Don't worry I am fine. I am still at the office and I was just about to lea-

Hoseok: Forget it. I will be at your office in 5 minutes now. Get your stuff and head out.

You: O-okay.

Time skip

At Taehyung's house

I was currently being lectured by my elder brother for not picking his calls and being out for so late. The whole trip back to home he have been dangerously quiet and I knew what was coming next.

Hoseok: It was your first day at work Y/n and you stayed at an unknown company till midnight?! When will you grow up! Do you know how scared I was?! I am also a businessman.. I also know that you can be late at times but seriously?! This late?! I get it that your company is behind and Jimin also have just joined but that doesn't mean you will stay out till this late.....*blablabla*

I looked at Taehyung asking him for help through my eyes.

Taehyung: *sigh* I guess it's enough Hobi. I think we should let her go and have some rest now. She would be pretty tired now.

Hoseok: So what Tae? Wasn't it her decision to work so much and make herself so tired and are you my best friend or hers?.... Wait.. That Jimin. I am not going to spare that guy. He knows she has one more career to look after. If she works so much then how will she look after her another career.

You: *widened eyes* No no he didn't do anything. He told me leave but I was the one who insisted on staying and working. I won't repeat it... Please don't say anything to him.

Hoseok: How can you be so stubborn Y/n!

You: *annoyed* I am not a kid anymore, I am an adult now. Why are you getting so angry?!


Hoseok immediately stops as soon as he realized what he just said.


Harrassed? Wait what? This is your reaction right? Do comment what you think after reading the last line! I would love to know your precious reactions! Don't hesitate to tell my mistakes too, if I left some. By the way, Y/n is falling hard for Jimin, isn't she? But will Jimin love her back? Guess we'll find out! Thankyou if you read it till here. It means a lot to me🤧.
Lastly, take care and I love you all❤

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