A.M.A.Z.O Part 2

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Barry: "Cisco, you there?" Barry asked through comms as he raced across the city to IVO labs.

Cisco: " I'm here."

Oliver: "Barry, where are you?"

Barry: " I'm just doing a perimeter check " Barry was running to clear his mind. Suppose he could convince Kara. Maybe j'onn could help him. Barry remembered Kara telling him that j'onn was a telepath, but he couldn't access Kryptonian minds. Maybe he could get Cisco to whip something up that could get Cisco to vibe Kara all her original reality memories, and that way, she would believe them. 

Barry: "So, what's the situation?"

Oliver: "oh nothing, it's just a killer robot who is trying to kill people." Oliver said sarcastically.

Barry: "Finish him off with an arrow." Barry asked in turn. Oliver obliged and shot an arrow as the robot fell.

Oliver: "That was easy."

Barry: "Did an Arrow get shot at us?" Barry asked as an arrow gets shot right next to them.

Barry: "Oliver, look!"Barry pointed to the robot that was shooting innocent people with arrows.

Oliver: "how is it shooting Arrows? "

Barry; "Look at the core; it adapted your skills." Barry answered as he pointed to the core.

Oliver: "So it can absorb normal, human skills, right? Just hit him with a lightning blast or something."

Barry obliged and did. This time the robot stayed on the ground. 

Barry: "Done, that was surprisingly easy." 

The robot shot a lightning bolt back at Barry and Oliver as they both ducked.

Oliver: "So it can absorb meta and non-meta powers. The only thing we haven't covered yet is alien, and we know where to find one. Pack your bags; we're going to earth 38."

Barry: "Cisco, can you get frost to handle this thing while we go to earth 38?"?

Cisco: "Frost is approaching your location."

Frost:" What's the problem" Frost jumps from the sky and arrives.

Frost: "A robot, that's a first. " Frost was trying her best to stall the robot by repeatedly throwing hits at him.

Frost: "You better get back here fast; I can't hold this thing for long."


Barry, Oliver and Cisco were getting ready. Cisco readied the device which would be capable of giving Kara her old memories back.

Barry: "You are sure this will work?"

Cisco: "When have I ever known to be wrong?" Oliver looked at him.

Cisco: "I am 99 % sure..." Oliver gives a 'really' look.

Cisco: "I am 60 % sure?" Oliver glares again.

Cisco: "Ok, ok, I am not sure. According to my calculations, Kara will get her OG( original) reality memories back once she wears this wristband that will be connected to a remodified thinking cap that will help me expand my powers and bring out the OG reality memories."

Oliver: " Let's go."


♪ Somebody save me ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Let your warm hands break right through it ♪

♪ Somebody save me ♪

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