The chained beast escape

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The sun leaks through the window as Wukong slowly wakes up from the night that I was captured by the ten hunters, he saw that he's was in the caravan by himself while he heard the voices that belong to the others who were awake, he slowly stood up from the bed and crack his neck as he walks to towards the door and was open the until he heard "Well I won't be surprised if wukong doesn't want to go to find lin" said Ning as wukong eavesdrop on the conversation, "But I'm sure he will help us to find lin'' added liuer as this made wukong remember a similar situation 500 years ago when he came back to his home from his training that lasted for a decade, but then he has heard enough as he opens the door with a grumpy look on his face. "Oh umm good morning Wukong, we were just discussing plans to find lin'' said macaque as he saw a map and small brown dots as being the horse tracks, "Well we know there are horse tracks leading up but the big question is where are they taking her?" yulei pointed out as everyone starts to think until wukong had a plan in mind "I have a plan that might work, we can follow the tracks while ranu can fly up and see where the hunters are while Zuzu and some of the displacer beasts can keep them on the defensive" he explains his plan to the others, "It might work but there's one problem" said cabzor as everyone looks at him, "Oh really like what? Asked Kenia as cabzor pointed to an area that was close to the tracks uphill, "There's a possibility that they'll encounter the fiery red bull along their way to their destination because it's attacks are happening more often in the early morning to the late-night so we need to think of a backup plan if we ever see it" cabzor stated which liuer seems worried as without warning he went to the weapon storage caravan to grabbed the same dagger he had before and snuck off to find me while the adults talk about a plan.

Meanwhile, I was slowly opening my eyes to my shock that I was in a cage and the worst part was chained by my legs, my neck plus they also muzzled my mouth. I stood up with fear in my eyes "Hey looks who's awake" said one hunter as I felt the of my hairs stand on edge when I let out a low growl at him which he back away, "Leave that mutt alone and we're here" said one who was driving the cage cart through a sign that reads Twilight Moon Carnival where there were four cages that each had mythical creature inside, the first cage contains a snake demon, the second cage contains a cat demon with two tails, the third one was a fox demon child, the fourth cage contains a young adult owl griffin that was chained by its neck and feet. The four cages circle around a stage-like platform, then the cage caravan stops moving and five of them went inside a caravan while five others were left behind to keep an eye on me, "So how much do you think we'll get out of this one?" asked one hunter who stares at me to which I stared right back at him while letting out a low growl but I felt my tail went in between my legs, "I don't know but let's hope it's enough to split among ourselves" answered one hunter as the door to caravan opens slowly to rival a middle-aged man walking out along with the five other hunters, "So this is the wolf that you told me about, hmm looks like an alpha born very rare and yet could bring in more people if it's trained to take orders unlike the others here" said the middle-aged man as he examines me while I gave him a cold death stare with a low growl but still felt my tail in between my legs. "Well then gentlemen, I believe this is your payment besides I'll introduce this one to the guests when they arrive," said the middle-aged man as he gave the ten hunters each a medium-size filled with 40 golden coins, my blood went cold when I saw them being paid off as my eyes widened with fear then the middle-aged man had his men uncuffed my legs but they hook three chains on cuff that was around my neck, two larger chains on each side of the cuff and one small chain in front of me, all of the sudden long cloak covered the cage as I was scared of what will happen to me.

Back at the caravans where everyone settled on a plan and started to get ready to go on the search for me, "Umm guys where's liuer?" Alwin asked everyone just as Kenia noticed that the weapon storage caravan door was open. She quickly ran into the weapon storage caravan and realized that a jade dagger was gone which was the same dagger that liuer had yesterday, "He took a dagger and probably went to find Lin'' she said to the others just as Wukong groans in annoyance by liuer's stubbornness and recklessness, "Great first Lin and now liuer, can this day get worse?" blurted ning as Zuzu walks over to wukong with liuer's doll in her mouth and then her mother lets out a cooing sound which gets wukong's attention which Zuzu puts down the doll on the ground. He walked over to the doll and picked it up but then saw Zuzu, her mother, and seven other displacer beasts were ready to go. "I'll go find liuer while the rest of you go to find lin'' said wukong as he grabbed the bo staff and started to walk into the forest to find liuer by himself knowing that he's the only one that liuer listens to reason, he walks deeper into woods but sadly no sign of liuer, "Wukong, we found liuer and the best we captured the same ten hunters'' said ranu as he flew above of him and leads him to the others where they have the ten hunters tied up with rope with the displacer beasts growling at them, "Oh hey wukong, we managed to catch them but sadly they aren't telling us what we want to know'' Kenia explain to him. Wukong saw liuer upset as he was being comforted by Zuzu and her mother by nuzzling as well by some like licks which tickled him a little bit, he sighs then walks over to them "We aren't telling you freaks nothing and plus that fleabag can't be Sun Wukong, he's just a stupid legend and that's all it will ever be!" one hunter shouted at them as liuer was about to say something to them until wukong swung his bo staff at the hunter's face, "Well then how about we test one?" he said as his left eye started to glow, all the ten hunters' faces turned pale as snow at the sight of wukong's glowing left eye. "Alright, we'll tell you please have mercy great sage" pleased one hunter as wukong's left eye stop glowing as the displacer beasts started to growl at the hunters "Well then start talking" wukong ordered them as they gulp in fear while the displacer beasts continued to growl at them.

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