A Friend or Foe

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As we left xudong main gates the further we traveled on til sunset we set camp in an open field surrounded by trees which was near a river, "Alright we should camp here for the night so in the meantime we'll relax for a while before we start to unpacking" said kenia as we started to unpack for the night, "Man I would to put that fleabag in his place" said ning as he gets off the caravan, "Ning didn't you learned your lesson back at Wǔqì shāngdiàn" zhen pointed out the incident between ning and wukong, "Bitch please I can still fight that asshole besides he can't do anything with cuff on him anyway" said ning as he took out sword and swings it around like he was ready to fight him, but what doesn't know that wukong overheard him which makes him walk behind ning with the bo staff in his right hand, "Umm ning I think you need to shut up now" warn zhen as he saw wukong was behind him with a small smile but still piss off at the fact that ning didn't learned his lesson from before, "Oh come he's not like behind me" said ning as this made zhen takes a step back from ning. "Oh really now, still thinking that you can take me on in a fight~" said wukong which made ning turned pale as paper which he around to be face to face with wukong who wants to kill him, "Oh shit umm if it chose between kissing lin or fighting you, so I would go with kissing lin" avoided ning as he looks at me nervously which I saw the situation between him and wukong but I gave him a small smile "There's no in hell that I would kiss you ning" I said as I giggled which made ning more nervous then before, "Hmm what about this you two if ning wins then he'll gives a kiss to lin and same for wukong~" announced kenia as my face becomes bright red while ning shook his head but quickly nodded his head, "I'll pass on that" said wukong as he turns around to help liuer down from the caravan which made ning sigh in realf but then "Coward" mumbled ning under his breath which wukong heard it which got him piss to the point where he ready the bo staff to fight ning, "Alright ning let's see who's a coward" said wukong as ning turn around to see wukong ready in his fight position which made ning gulp nervously but he took out his sword and went into his fighting stance.

"Alright you two knuckleheads, whoever can get the other to yield is declared the winner" announced kenia as everyone stood back to give Wukong and ning space to fight, "Ready, Set, Fight!" shouted kenia which made ning charges at wukong for a strike as wukong blocked ning's strike with the bow staff, "Haha come on wukong knock him out!!" cheered alissa as ning moved back and tried another strike at wukong but when he thought that ning was attacking in the front instead ning tried to strike on wukong's left side which he quickly blocked it. "You can do it great sage!!" cheered liuer as I started to feel anxious and worried due to the fact that I have to kiss the winner, then wukong lifted up the bow staff and spun it while ning was put on the defense as he was having a hard time to block wukong's attacks. "Come in ning, get him by the tail!!" shouted zhen which made Wukong smile with an idea as he untied his tail from his waist and he used his tail to tie around ning's right ankle which he pulled which is the result of ning falling on his ass and dropping his sword in the process. Ning was about to crawl to his sword until wukong points the end of the bow staff at his face, "God dammit I yield" growled ning as he gets up from the ground and pick up his sword to put it away, "Alright lin you have to kiss wukong since he won~" said lura as my turned red which I quickly shook my head and immediately head towards the river to calm down, "Oh come lin you kiss him beside it's just one kiss, maybe on his cheek or a hug" I said talking to myself with my face red from thinking a way to avoid kissing wukong until I heard something behind me as I quickly turn to see wukong but he looks very different, his fur was black and he didn't had the cuff on his right wrist, "Well now you must be shin lin correct?" asked the wukong look like which I got into my fighting stance, "I am" I answered which made him smile and walks towards me as I walk away from him, "I'm not going besides word is spreading about a human girl and a little boy freed the legendary monkey king so I wonder how would two humans freed him" said the wukong look like as I felt chills down my spine which I prepare to blast him with a fire blast. "Oh how rude of me, I almost forgot to introduce myself so the name's macaque" said the wukong look like as he appears behind me which caught me off which I quickly turned around and I unleash a fire blast at him to my surprise he dodge but he punch me in my stomach. 

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